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06/18/16 3:31 PM

#3776 RE: moneysnip #3775

This AM I went to my local Walmart and seen that the shelf where Glucose Health is displayed, was completely full again. This tells me that they had reordered the product . That is a BIG, BIG PLUS for the Co. I'm wondering why the stock is not trading much higher then it is. Could it be that the this Co stock is a SLEEPER. It appears that way.


06/21/16 12:01 PM

#3778 RE: moneysnip #3775

Worth and run potential are two different things..Right now due to the revenues in the 10k worth is not verifiable, but as you can see the run potential is there..As far as the CEO having complete control with the 1000 shares of preferred stock voting rights, I can't say I wouldnt do the same. He has invested a lot of his own time and money as well as his investment firm's contributions. Many of is here got derailed by the second RS during his takeover...Still hoping for a gratuitous FS if the company becomes stabilized in the market...GLTY


07/05/16 12:26 PM

#3821 RE: moneysnip #3775

moneysnips, Have you reversed your thinking about this Co. It seems so according to your posting # 3775