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07/30/06 2:07 PM

#251 RE: gktignol #250

Thanks, GK.

Your statement about 1500 uses for ElectriPlast comes from one of the articles I wrote on the ElectriPlast Blog. Yes, folks. That is my byline over there. That piece was based on archival research, trend analysis as well as feedback from some of the 35-40 people who heard Tom Aisenbrey make that statement at the 6 June 2006 meeting.

At that time, Tom said that Integral had 109 patents granted and in progress. The mind boggles when one multiplies "1500 uses" times the then 109 patents!

Moreover, it is my understanding that the impact of Tom's presentation at the National Plastics Exposition in Chicago has the phones ringing off the hooks with companies interested in learning more about ElectriPlast. Currently, the ratio of non-disclosure agreements signed by companies interested in testing and prototyping their products with ElectriPlast exceeds the number of patents granted by a factor of three. That's a long way from "1500 uses" nevertheless, it is a telling figure.

As I said before, I don't make this stuff up. Also I let folks know where I am coming from with standard disclaimers: Yes, I am a shareholder, but one who applies strict journalistic and reporting standards to articles about this company. No, I am not on the company payroll, but I do expect a winfall from my shares. My agenda: To provide a perspective that has been absent on this board, not to influence buying. I have plenty of ITKG shares.

At any rate, the real run up in share price will not come from individual investors buying in 1,000 share lots. It will come from institutional buyers like Wellington Management ($529 billion udner management), mutual funds, pension funds, etc., and those corporations who are beginning to flock to Bellingham to sign NDAs.

A good Sunday to all and a prosperous week ahead.