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06/16/16 9:37 AM

#252868 RE: eqinvestor #252867

Prison for Ed the stock is worthless why aren't people selling fast to at least save some investment? The guy is crooked!


06/16/16 10:03 AM

#252872 RE: eqinvestor #252867

Obviously, the horseshit collection of false allegations continues to get bigger, which leads me to one big whopping question: Why does Plaintiff Ken Maciora have a personal vendetta against Ed Starrs? He was never involved in this Company. Maybe they rejected his offer to provide "Investor Relations" services.

There is something about Plaintiff Ken Maciora...what is it? Patterns are emerging within my research that lead me to believe he is accustomed to using offense as a defense for his own missteps. Is he conjuring up more justification for interfering with the 10k filing with false legal claims?

What is it about Ed Starr's pending success that burns Ken's butt so badly?

Looking forward to the Judge's decision in Plaintiff Ken Maciora's Complaint against Auditors PMB Helin. PMB Helin reviewed everything, including Ken's allegations, and approved the 2015 10k.

It wasn't enough to slow down the 2015 10k audit by filing a false complaint late February 2016, just weeks before the 10k was due. Ken modified his Complaint and tried to stall the Motion to Dismiss, thereby forcing the court to take longer to throw this thing out, which ensured the company would be hurt when not meeting the filing deadline.

Plaintiff Ken Maciora is not a friend to MYEC shareholders. Be wary of this man. You can read about him in the linked article.


08/10/17 4:43 PM

#279559 RE: eqinvestor #252867

Did you ever get any answers to your questions LMAO

Here is my interpretation on MyECheck's Chart

Short Term - 99.999999999% chance they announce Africa to attempt to change the discussion away from the Real Estate Investment Trust that MyECheck owns.

Here is the other way I interpret the chart.

Short Term - DTC Freeze
Intermediate Term - FINRA Halt
Intermediate Term - SEC Investigation which I believe is Currently happening
Long Term - Potential Civil Liabilities and Criminal Liabilities against CEO Ed Starrs, Bruce Smith, Steve Blandford and Ed Starrs' Secretary Christine Cowan. Obviouslly all will have to be proven in court.

Here are the questions I have for MyECheck's auditors?

1. Why didn't they closely examine who opened the bank accounts with U.S. Bank?
2. Why didn't they look at the title which was used to open the bank accounts at U.S. Bank which was not "Unpaid Consultant" If Supreme Leader Starrs signed those docs as part of the LLC, then every transaction had to be reported as a related party transaction. Period, end of story. No other option!!!!
3. Why didn't they examine the stock records at Signature Stock Transfer? That would have allowed them to follow the money trail and they would have realized that Greenpay LLC was a shell created by Ed Starrs that was funded through stock sales. They would have also seen where Greenpay's money came from. It would have been obvious to any one who wanted to look, since MyECheck uses the creme dela creme of transfer agents run by Jason and Denise Bogutski. First, they needed to investigate their training and education. Of course, everyone buying into this plan had to be highly competent. In fact, when MyECheck sued several companies for stock that was supposedly mistakenly issued, Signature Stock Transfer was never sued. ??????????????? Makes perfect sense. This wasn't hard to figure out since they had all the bank statements.

4. Why didn't they contact any third parties that were part of the real estate transactions to see who was at the real estate closings signings documents on behalf of Greenpay LLC? It is an insult to anyone's intelligence that Supreme Leader Starrs was authorized to sign on behalf of a company that he does not own.
5. Why didn't they talk to the law firm that represented Greenpay and Sierra Global on the transactions?
6. Why didn't they investigate the money trail to the California-based business that is in the business of opening shells that opened Greenpay? That trail would have led back to Ed Boozer.
7. Why didn't they have a long conversation with Ed Boozer who would have told them that he payed for the opening of Greenpay?
8. Why didn't they investigate the background of Greenpay LLC before it was opened in Wyoming by Ed Starrs? There was no Greenpay LLC before it was opened by Ed Starrs. There was not one employee and payroll records would have proven that.
9. Why didn't they not once have a conversation with Rod Zalunardo when they were in posession of a valid agreement that was paying Rod Zalunardo vested shares. Look at the court records. It's all in there.
10. Why didn't they perform a site visit to Greenpay in Nevis WHICH WAS REQUIRED?
11. Why didn't they perform a site visit to Sierra Global in Nevis WHICH WAS REQUIRED?
12. Why didn't they personally meet with Matt Hanson to dispel the myth?
13. Why didn't they look at the deeds of the real estate properties?
14. Why didn't they examine who was paying the bills on the properties?
15. Why didn't they question why Ed Starrs was the authorized user on the Greenpay bank accounts at U.S. bank if he was the only one?
16. Was there any wires to real estate title companies from MyECheck's bank accounts. If there was, case closed.
17. Was the bank account that the lawsuit alleges wired out over $300,000 to a real estate title company a MyECheck bank account. If it was, case closed.
18. Why didn't they question why Bruce Smith, who was the CFO THROUGHOUT 2014 created a vesting schedule that was mailed on September 23, 2014 showing all management's stock as vested and none of that stock was ever expensed which was legally required. It's all in the lawsuit if you just care to look. How is it possible that Bruce Smith made this mistake, even about his own stock?