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06/15/16 12:56 PM

#72098 RE: BubbaInSC #72095

Sorry BubbalnSC,

This is all on-line:

You do not need a "MJ license" to register a brand in Nevada.

You must either be a "caregiver" which limits the amount of product you may produce. Seems like a simple process.


You must be an "associate" or "agent" of a cultivator or production facility. Which allows you to buy their product and re-sell a finished product.

No "MJ license" required. TerraTech has an "MJ License" because they are growing the product.

TerraTech works with multiple "agents" and "associates" to buy their product and make vapes, edibles, etc.

I will call today and see if I can find more details on this process.


09/06/16 12:41 PM

#76997 RE: BubbaInSC #72095

Basically Another Lie Re: Pre-orders

There were no pre-orders, just like there are 0 MJ dispensary accounts.

Just like MCIG doesn't have an MJ License?

I remind you that they will be selling product in both California and Nevada. Whether they have written orders, whether written pre-orders are even legal at this time, or they have verbal commitments, or a wink and a nod, the point Paul was making was that they have customers identified and ready to accept product shipment on day one. Whatever language you use to describe that is irrelevant to shareholders but could be an issue for regulators in one or both of those states.

Just so I'm clear and not jumping to conclusions since I took your word for it when I first approached the subject....are you sticking to your statement that you had a conversation with Paul, and he expressed to you that he "is pleased with pre-orders", or if I'm reading your post correctly "dispensaries have shown interest", because to me these two statements are worlds apart in definition.
Are there pre-orders as you indicated per a conversation with Paul, or is there only "interest", because interest is irrelevant to the bottom line


In my last conversation with Paul, he told me that he was pleased with the pre-orders for Rollies.