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06/15/16 11:54 AM

#47085 RE: nodummy #47083

Mary wants Kyle to keep investors informed.....

It isn't the job of the FBAR. But when they do get inquiries and respond, their is a record of it.

They weren't ready to issue a permit last fall as has been suggested by a lender. When they finally did review the applications they were incomplete, but they wouldn't begin the process until they were compliant.

What a business model......sue sue sue.


06/15/16 12:24 PM

#47087 RE: nodummy #47083

You know what I read when i see this.

I see Kyle a man with passion. I see Kyle a man that is taking a stance for stockholders.

Not to metion that Mary said "
(e.g. Farmer)" I wonder who this is? Is he a investor? If not I wonder why non investors are requesting information from Mary? Just seems odd that he was mentioned like he was a regular or something? Maybe one sided!

Sometimes it's the little details in a report that have the biggest tale!

I have learned a lot about both sides of the coin today.

It's hard to paint the whole picture of the company when certain things are cherry picked and misunderstood from novices like me. However when you put all the peices together with both sides
It appears that things are right on track for success. We have the buffer, finincials, and into several applications. It shouldn't be long now. Especially with a CEO requesting meetings, making phone calls, and relaying investors anticipation.

It's good to be optimistic. Go SFRX

"I listened to 30 minutes of Kennedy apologizing for all the investors and other inquiries into his company (e.g. Farmer) and how he is suing all of them, yet the questions have been reasonable. My impression is that these are veiled threats, and if we do not fall into line, he will sue us. He threatened Roger last summer and is trying to bully us now."