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06/15/16 11:18 AM

#37164 RE: primethepump #37156

primethepump, I tend to agree with you. We don't know what DMRJ will agree to, but I think the message from management has been fairly clear all along that they want to grow this thing IF they can, but they are aware of the issues to the extant that they are exploring a number of different strategic alternatives, which I believe may include creative thinking that most of us haven't allowed for.

OTOH, I do agree with Buzz that now seems like a really opportune time to simply sell this thing IF we can get a $300m+ price (Buzz says 500m).


06/15/16 11:49 AM

#37166 RE: primethepump #37156

PRIMP- sure, a buy in is possible but complicated as debt has to be removed and any company investing into ISC in a significant manner would/should require that DM is paid out of ISC.

DM maybe more inclined to accept a pay out today as they look to fend off gov. investigations.

But ISC is playing coy, staying quiet and avoiding any indication of what is next, which in itself caps share price appreciation, stomps on wild speculation and steadies the SP range...ideal for a Buyer to acquire a small-cheap position prior to end of month. This behavior is more of buy out indication than it appears to be.

I think McGann addressed your idea of using the "E" /desktop version for complex molecule analysis but I also think bio-threats can go to outlaw state sponsored groups one day but today that seems out of their capability.

(The new alarm bell is a nuke from a sub sold/stolen by a renegade entity and launched off any of 4 coasts. The energy/money being invested into this is significant.)

Buy out: 80-90 % likely

Buy in: 5-15% likely

New financing: 2-3% likely

BK roll up: <1% likely as NOL is threatened, continuity is kaput, momentum in sector is stymied, current sales tenders die, new product opportunities frozen etc.