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06/14/16 6:16 AM

#249651 RE: F6 #249650

California Dreamin’ with Donald Trump and Alex Jones

On InfoWar’s contributions to Trumplandia

By Rick Perlstein

Posted on June 1, 2016 in Election 2016, Politics, Rickipedia: The Rick Perlstein Blog

Photo Credit: Tristan Bowersox

Donald Trump keeps on upping the ante. Consider what he said at a rally last week in Fresno, on the subject of California’s apocalyptic drought.

Make that “drought,” for according to Donald J. Trump, there isn’t one. Never mind that the years between late 2001 and 2014 have been the driest in California history since record-keeping began; nor the 12 million trees that have died from “drought” in Southern California; nor predictions that the 2015 El Nino would bring relief, though the amount of rainfall actually decreased .. .

In Fresno, Donald approached the podium .. . [insert embed]

[ Trump Fresno video also about 2/3 down here .. ]

He led off with a customary boast. (“What a crowd . . . I saw on television this morning, five o’clock in the morning, people were lining up. This is crazy, crazy!”) He referred to some real estate transaction he was working “probably 10 or 12 years ago” in their fair city: “They had a problem. You remember the problem, right? They had a problem, I think it was Running Horse, and I was going to take it over and do a beautiful job.” Then, in mid-thought, he pivoted incoherently into the subject on everyone’s minds in that parched agricultural region: “Fortunately, I didn’t do it, because there isn’t any water, because they send all the water out to the ocean, right?”

“I made a fortune by not doing it,” he said. The crowd cheered. Only in Trumplandia do the citizens cheer when they’re not afforded the benefactions of their orange-haired overlord. (I looked it up .. . His proposal to take over the foundering Running Horse golf course development apparently fell apart because the city refused his demand to dispossess homeowners over a nine-square-mile area through eminent domain.)

The globalists are building a world, in their own words, where normal human life is
over. . . . It’s the devil. And the churches are not going to tell you. It’s an alien force.
—Alex Jones


He commented that it was too bad he didn’t go through with the deal. Because: “I would have changed the water. . . . You have a water problem that is so insane, that is so ridiculous. Where they’re taking the water and shoving it out to sea.” Loud cheers.

He continued. “It’s not the drought. They have plenty of water. No, they shove it out to sea. Now, why? Because they’re trying to protect a certain kind of three-inch fish.”

“If I win, believe me, we’re going to start opening up the water so that you can have your farmers survive.” Then he moved on.

It made the news: “Donald Trump Tells Californians There Is No Drought .. .”

Then, however, reporters moved on to the next story, with no time to Google from whence Trump derived this crackpot notion about water taken from farmers and “shoved out to the sea.” The answer, apparently: InfoWars, the website of lunatic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. Who believes, for instance, that the school shooting in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, was staged by the government, using actors, in order to force gun control down the American people’s throats.

The theory that California’s water shortage is all the fault of the Environmental Protection Agency is, like most conspiracy theories, grounded in an actual fact. The EPA has, in fact, caused 800,000 acre-feet of water annually to be flushed into San Francisco Bay to maintain its marine ecosystem. The program, however, dates to the early 1990s .. , and California’s water system, all told, manages over 40 million acre-feet a year .. . The practice that Trump describes so darkly involves 2 percent of that—and an economically vital 2 percent at that. California fisheries produce jobs in the hundreds of thousands .. . But not in Fresno.

The notion that rules governing 800,000 acre-feet of water are the cause of the much larger problem, and that business about the “three-inch fish,” dates—word for word—to an April, 2015, InfoWars article .. .. entitled “Environmentalists Caused California Drought to Protect This Fish.”

Since last year, Rachel Maddow has been on the case of Donald Trump’s deep ties to Alex Jones. On the morning of December 2, she wrote in a syndicated column .. , Jones hosted Trump for an extended live interview .. . “After about 30 minutes of mutual compliments, and Jones telling Trump that ‘about 90 percent’ of his listeners support him, the presidential candidate wrapped things up by telling Jones: ‘Your reputation is amazing.’”

Maddow continued, “That same day, after that interview, 14 people were killed and 21 others were injured in the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif. Within hours of that news breaking, Jones and his website—predictably—were hosting discussions of how San Bernardino, like Newtown, like the Boston Marathon bombing, and of course like 9/11, was a hoax. Either it didn’t happen, or if it did it was perpetuated by the government.”

In mid-March, Jones took up the cudgels for Trump in a rant that began: “Everyone’s having their water poisoned, everyone’s having deadly vaccines pushed on them, everyone is having weaponized television aimed at them. . . . It is a metric, scientific, mathematic algorithm of tyranny, that is extremely sophisticated, that can even predict the future.”

“A few thousand people are in on the whole deal. And through compartmentalization, they’re rolling it out.”

Jones explained that shooting “all two million police in the country” in the back of the head wouldn’t help, because “there would just be anarchy and all sorts of problems and they would just bring in foreign troops.”

“The globalists are building a world, in their own words, where normal human life is over. . . . It’s the devil. And the churches are not going to tell you. It’s an alien force, not of this world, attacking humanity, like the Bible and every other ancient text says.”


And even shooting two million cops could not beat them back.

He proposed, however, something that could. “The elite hate Trump, let me tell you. And if he is a psy-op, let me tell you, he’s the most sophisticated one I ever saw. And even if he is, he’s a revelation of the awakening . . . Humanity’s gotta get off-world, we’ve got to get access to the life-extension technologies . . . I want the advanced life extension! I want to go to space! I want to see inter-dimensional travel! I WANT WHAT GOD PROMISED US! AND I’M NOT GOING TO SIT HERE AND LET SATAN STEAL IT!

Donald Trump appreciates this man’s amazing reputation, has appeared on his program, and is leveraging InfoWar’s insights to feed his symbiosis with his mob. The bigfoot political press missed that story, and will likely continue to miss it, because their entire business model and worldview is predicated upon the idea of two equivalent sides fighting for national power.

That’s not what our nation’s founders promised us. And I’m not going to sit here and let the orange-haired monster steal it.

Rick Perlstein is the Washington Spectator’s national correspondent.

[ the third comment of three ]

Mike Caetano

June 5, 2016

As much as I would like to agree with Rick’s thesis that Trump derived the crackpot notion that there is no drought in California from the website of lunatic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, the simpler explanation is that he was pandering to the crowd of farmers at his rally, repeating back to them exactly what they had told him right before he went on stage:

“After a private half-hour meeting with farmers, Trump said the group told him there was no drought in California, but rather a failure to preserve and wisely use the water the state has on tap.” ( “In agricultural heartland, Trump sides with California farmers over environmentalists” LAT, May 27, 2016, )

Farmers have been trotting out the man-made drought canard for decades, as the New York Times reported back in 1994: “The farmers contend that the Government has broken its covenant to provide them with the water they need and has thus produced a man-made drought, impervious to natural cycles.” (“As Drought Looms, Farmers In California Blame Politics”, NYT, June 24, 1994 )

See also:

Amid El Niño, a push to save California’s drought-drained aquifers


06/14/16 6:52 AM

#249652 RE: F6 #249650

Trump: Let’s keep refugee kids out so they won’t ‘listen to the Internet and fall in love with ISIS’

Tom Boggioni

13 Jun 2016 at 21:42 ET

In a fairly comical interview with Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, Donald Trump attempted to bolster the idea that refugees are a danger to the U.S. and that their kids are unpredictable and may one day “listen to the Internet and fall in love with ISIS.”

The Fox host attempted to steer Trump towards responses he could easily manage, but eventually stumped the presumptive GOP presidential nominee when it came to women and children refugees.

“There really isn’t any linkage that I can find, or the FBI can find, between refugees, so-called refugees, women and children primarily, coming here and violence,” O’Reilly pressed Trump.

Trump sat staring at the screen for several beats before finally blurting out, “So what are you asking?”

O’Reilly seemed stunned before asking, “Why do you think this is a centerpiece in anti-terror fighting, if there really isn’t linkage in those kids of folks coming over.”

In typical fashion, TRump dismissed the lack of data before going on and on about how the future is unknowable.

“Well, I don’t think you know about the linkage yet,” Trump blustered. “What’s going to happen in two years from now? What’s going to happen in ten years from now? What’s going to happen in five years from now? Look at the Boston bombers, I mean they were here, they were already here, and their family came here, and they weren’t radical when they were six, seven years old, and all of a sudden they blew people up and, I mean, during the Boston Marathon.”

“You just don’t know what’s going on here,” Trump continued.”Uh, you know they listen to the Internet and they fall in love with ISIS. Bad things are happening, Bill, and we have to get down to it, otherwise we’re not going to have a country, you know, we’re going to have this happening every weekend.”

Watch the video below via YouTube:


06/24/16 6:44 AM

#249984 RE: F6 #249650

Secrets Of Islam’s Plan To Conquer The World Exposed

Published on Jun 15, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Alex Jones talks with Phillip Haney about why Muslims are so desperate to conquer the world even if it means killing themselves. [with comments]


Full Show - Globalists Allied With Radical Islam To Destroy The West - 06/15/2016

Published on Jun 15, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

On this Wednesday, June 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest assaults on the Second Amendment, including a report that Academy Sports will keep a database on customers who buy so-called “assault rifle” ammunition. Special Forces op Tim Kennedy is live in studio to discuss the Second Amendment and ISIS sleeper cells in America. Also, whistleblower Philip Haney reveals how Hillary’s State Dept. blocked an FBI investigation into the Orlando killer’s mosque. Rob Dew & Josh Owens reveal the truth about the Islamic takeover of Germany - and how it can happen in the U.S. [with comments]


Trump’s ISIS Conspiracy Theory
Donald Trump
Presidential candidate
Claims a conservative news report proved he was “right” in suggesting President Obama supported terrorists.
Twitter [ ] – Wednesday, June 15, 2016

June 16, 2016


Donald Trump suggests Barack Obama supported ISIS, but that's a conspiracy theory
"The Obama administration was actively supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq, the terrorist group that became the Islamic State."
— Donald Trump on Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 in a Facebook post [ ]

Pants on Fire
June 15th, 2016 [with embedded video]


Non Assimilating Refugees Flooding Amarillo Texas

Published on Jun 17, 2016 by The Alex Jones Channel

Small U.S. cities with access to affordable housing and manufacturing jobs are quietly receiving the bulk of Obama’s invading Islamic Jihad Army. Stretching unsuspecting local city budgets to the breaking point. Bold statement? Yesterday on The Alex Jones Show retired DHS officer and whistleblower Philip Haney explained why radical Islamic terrorists are falling through the cracks despite unprecedented government data-gathering.

Some targeted American cities are already being pushed over the edge. For example, Amarillo, Texas “ known as the Yellow Rose of Texas” one of the largest meat packing cities in the United States, home to the V-22 Osprey hybrid aircraft assembly plant, Food giant Cargill, and also home to Pantex, the only nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly plant in the United States has taken in over 1,000 middle eastern refugees already, the highest in the nation. But when you add refugees sent to Amarillo from countries outside the Middle East, The numbers skyrocket.

World Net Daily reports “Amarillo has received 5,251 foreign refugees since January 2002, according to the federal refugee database. That’s more than half of the nearly 8,000 refugees sent to Texas during that period. President Obama has increased the number of foreign refugees bound for American soil in fiscal 2016 to 85,000. That’s a 20 percent increase over the previous year, and 10,000 will come from the jihadist hotbed of Syria. Many of the community organizers have received training or consultation from David Lubell’s Welcoming America organization, which was started with seed money from billionaire George Soros."

Breitbart reported in January of 2016 "Amarillo Mayor Paul Harpole said “We’ve been a giving community, and it’s a huge disservice to bring in refugees in numbers that we’re not able to handle. We create small ghettos, a group of Somalis came in to say they had elected a mayor of their community,” he continued. “Then another faction claimed they had their own leader. We come to find out that rival tribes — slaves and masters — were being settled together.”

Amarillo 911 calls are now being fielded in 42 different languages. [with comments]


Trump’s Baseless Assimilation Claim
Donald Trump
Presidential candidate
Claims assimilation among Muslim immigrants in the U.S. is “pretty close” to “nonexistent.”
Interview on Fox News – Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 17, 2016


Donald Trump wrong that 'there's no real assimilation' by U.S. Muslims
Even among "second and third generation" Muslims in the United States, "there's no real assimilation."
— Donald Trump on Wednesday, June 15th, 2016 in an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity

June 18th, 2016 [with embedded video]


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