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06/13/16 10:38 AM

#203601 RE: risk on #203558

Unless you played the trade with real long term options like yourself its hard to stay in the trade. I have been salvaging put options trying to time it but with not enough time they can go worthless.
I could honestly say even though i had a downside bias ath crossed my mind with all the hooplay. I didnt play it and i didnt try call it. Im neutral at this point thinking more chop till we see new president. Money to be made both ways. I have a put spread on the qqq that i opened when the bands were tight on 60m. My max risk is defined and my gains are capped so even if im right on expiration its not going to make me rich. Calling plays out was easy at some point and if your good great its just finding where your groove is and sticking with it. For me i would love to be a shot caller but im not there so i just choose to be on the quite side posting wise.