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06/10/16 8:21 PM

#17771 RE: stocksnseeds #17769

So Sam goes out and buys FD which trashes the stock value to existing shareholders by roughly 80%. The punishment for this gross mismanagement was another year on his contract and continued juicy stock options. Anyone here see a problem?

No Stocks, I didn't disappear for a while. When a man is making the kind of money that Sam makes from IVFH, he's supposed to make good decisions. He gets paid to do that and very, very well I might add.

Admittedly, I sold this on the way up a bit early. It didn't occur to me that there were so many gullible people in this stock willing to take Sam's word over reasoned thought. Sam had no idea what he was buying in FD. He was the last to know. That's why he sold it for $10 to the founder.

Maybe he'll buy another disaster and the board can buy him a plane as his reward. I yacht would be nice. He can call it the 'Shareholder Lament'.