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06/10/16 12:38 AM

#204316 RE: mrwrn2010 #204315

I have explained it in my earlier post. It's also fair to say that I suffer from a similar form of bias with a different perspective and therefore I draw a different conclusion than you.

1. I do not put any weight into the baseless MM manipulation argument no weight either in the naked short arguments forwarded by some. I have not seen any price action to support that premise.

2. I do place weight in the correlation between the timing of PFE's ADCOM and ELTP's bearish price action. The fact is that ELTP had a major correction on Wednesday, down 10% percent plus in the last hours of trading. This correction gave back all the bullish price gains leading into the correction. The ONLY piece of NEW information that correlates to that correction was PFE's ADCOM. On some level you have to acknowledge at least some level of market efficiency, even on the OTC.

3. I do place weight on PFE getting approval with and ADT label; however I reduce the importance of this item because I am not convinced that ELTP will be extremely successful riding PFE's ALO-02's coattails with its ELI201

4. I place weight on ELI200 gaining approval with the same ADT labeling as ALO2. I am concerned ELTP's testing may not have been as exhaustive, but I will bet on the come. IF such approval and labeling occur, then I can see a PPS into the 40s and possibly low 50s (before basing out). Dollar land does NOT happen absent successful commercialization and/or buyout.

5. Despite the excitement of going from pennies to dollars, I must temper such expectations as highly unlikely. I have made this argument already, and it always falls victim to harsh criticism. So be it.