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06/09/16 3:21 PM

#56873 RE: Cerp #56872

"then they go to manufacturing"

is that an opinion or a fact?

Don't make it too easy. I have no idea what I'm talking you?


06/09/16 3:39 PM

#56875 RE: Cerp #56872

I'm long since 2012. Lol I've bought all over the price ranges. And to me the cell was just icing on the cake. But as a cautious optimist can some one explain to me the patent process. Bc how do we know we are "guaranteed the patent." It's just that remember almost 1 year ago we were "awarded" the Fresno contract and the very competent leaders (sarcasm) there didn't even know what they were voting on(I watched the stream live and they were so disorganized), ended up killing the project. Believe me I've left some very nice messages on Yelp Facebook and other social media sites about the city council. It scares me to hear "guaranteed" because I'd rather not get any news until it's official than having sunw price fly around like a man on bath salts. Go Sunw /sunww