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06/09/16 2:46 PM

#22016 RE: DDobserver #22015

I know it's been said several times before, but I think the only saving grace is S&G. They would not have taken it if there was not some type of hope. Still- I'm not too optimistic about it anymore- of course it's just my opinion.

keith richards

06/10/16 9:23 PM

#22024 RE: DDobserver #22015

Of course they say they are not going to settle. That is what they are supposed to say and any of us would do the same. However Activisons past history would suggest otherwise. Do they really have the stomach to go to trial and put treble damages into play? They can just bite the bullet and make this go away for a lot less $$$ and recoup it in licensing fees.

Between having to get Bungie involved and that crap "expert" testimony in the deposition they have nothing to be confident or defiant about in this case. They are praying that someone else (Bungie, PTAB) bails them out of their mess.

Now maybe that will happen and we will all lose, but if it doesn't happen I would be surprised if ATVI doesn't settle and avoids a trial. They have way too much to lose and WDDD can still appeal the validity date on the patents which could make things even woese for ATVI

The one big difference between ATVI and Google is that ATVI does not have Google's money or influence. I know the whole VRNG thing left a bad taste in everyone's mouth, but WDDD / ATVI is not an identical situation.