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06/09/16 11:56 AM

#13754 RE: 1vman #13752

Take a closer look, it opened and traded exactly as it should from the prior day close to post RS. It did drop a lot a handful of days post RS as expected, but has since eclipsed at times, very barely, where it was pre RS. It's way down from the first RS if anyone was foolish enough to hold. But, IMO, anyone foolish enough to hold through almost any RS does so knowing they will lose and would have made more had they sold on the run up prior to and bought when the inevitable drop happens post RS. But, the first was OTC, the 2nd at least allowed for an uplisting, which, it has maintained nicely. Plus, no need for an RS, they have a huge cushion, tons of shares, and tons of time before they would ever have to worry about not meeting Nasdaq requirements. It's trading low volume and shouldn't even interest shorts as it stands, unless the shorts are day trading for small percentages and tiny volume. I hold no position, I did buy post RS, both times, did sell shortly thereafter, traded it a bunch in the past as well and a little in between. I am aware of it being used locally and am aware the people like it. What the future holds we will find out eventually, but doom and gloom doesn't seem to be present IMO.