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06/08/16 3:08 PM

#10405 RE: DSherman #10404

What I said is that the truth is about Paul Riss and his ownership of shares, the lack of updated filings through and the fact that for my two ways to get to website there is a warning due to possible security issues. Now, you can surf non protected sites, I Don't. So, my facts are all true minus the 5% about the possibility that you do surf unsafe sites! That is all and good luck with discounted stock purchases! The best way to make money in the OTC! VSTR!! Just make sure you sell when the the time is proper due to the law of the land!! Good luck!


06/09/16 12:13 PM

#10412 RE: DSherman #10404

It doesn't work. Not fully functional. Its a trolling site, toxic.