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06/07/16 9:58 AM

#2198 RE: Frisbee #2197

<<As to the ketones, you can easily determine that my Twitter account was attacked, anyone with half a brain could and would.>>

Frisbee, you're a full-blown idiot - who the heck would hack
your twitter account and backdate the date to 2009 (when you
were working on LUKELAKE) to show that it was indeed you that
was selling the Raspberry Ketone scam?

That's your only defense and it's a lame one.

Who has the capability and creativity to do that at this level?


Who has the time and energy for that type of hack for this little scamming penny stock?


Do yourself a favor, go to a library, get some brains, do something to
save yourself from that type of defenseless stupidity.

And while your're at it, get some character too and stop lying!