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The Pizzaman

06/06/16 3:48 PM

#7139 RE: cashclan #7137

Who are you thinking and on what inkling?

I am thinking Lockheed Martin because of the past relationship that the CEO had with them. BTW, their stock price just a paltry $238.00 a share :)

The Pizzaman

06/12/16 2:04 AM

#7208 RE: cashclan #7137

I made almost 10,000% in a subpenny in 2014!

and if NEIK hits these #'s that cashclan is predicting and all the stars are aligned and everything goes as NEIK is claiming will occur, which 90% of the time the OTC's lie and never fall through with the plans. Although, if NEIK does than lightning will strike twice. We are very close and the patience is the key. Some say since most of these pennies are scams we shouldn't even take a risk??

If that is the case, than why would one waste their time on this board? Everyone here must have some 1% or more belief that possibly NEIK could be that needle in the haystack. Ive seen it happen once a year with a penny that is filled and surrounded by piles of junk. Yes, most of them are definitely scams so you need to do extensive D.D. and know about the background of the C.E.O. and board of directors running the show.

The ? is, WHY ARE YOU ON THIS INVESTMENT FORUM? I will answer that as best I can, but the simple answer is: you are here because you are a risk taker and you believe you can multiply your money quickly by finding the right runner. The greatest NHL player in the world once said, "you miss 100% of the shots you never take", and he couldnt of said it any better.

You can knock 99% of these piles of junk and I would agree with you on your reasoning, as its a very volatile and nasty market. However, there are riches to be made if you find the right one.
In fact, I found one back in Jan 2014 and I got in at .0004 and I got out at .02, although it went to a nickel. Ive been in many 10 baggers over the years. I will say the market has dried up immensely and its nothing like it was 2-3 years ago. However, markets work on bubbles and waves and it could possibly return that way in the future.

Now, there are still a couple out there that could do what this penny did in 2014. Although, I would never wait that long again. Im lucky I held that long and made that amazing return. Looking back at it not it was crazy. I should of grabbed my profits at 1000%, but I am very glad I was a crazy risk taker and wanted a fortune..It was when I was a rookie and not very experienced at the time, as I am now with the OTC market. Heck, I could of grabbed some nice change on the 1st and 2nd run, but I know I would be short changing myself!

I must admit that my youth and stupidity in the OTC helped me out in a BIIIIIIIIIIG way! What I am saying here with NEIK is that this could make some huge gains. 10,000% ??? Most likely, NO!! 1000% gains from this 2.5 cents average? Maybe, who knows. I mean, I could possibly see .25 cents if all the stars are aligned and NEIK does uplist and more importantly, announces the huge deal that we have all been anticipating.

I believe that is why many did not sell into the .07 1st run or the .05 2nd run. There is potential and I do have faith in this C.E.O. Most of the C.E.O.'s in the OTC are suspect with bad intentions, dilution, R/S, and many other dirty tactics. The most important figure to the stock is not always the product. I believe the C.E.O. is the one you need to look at with eyes wide open and I like what I am seeing!

If I went from delivering pizza pies to retiring and having the extra capital to play the OTC than its possible that anyone can do it. Is it likely to strike lightning twice in a bottle? Most likely not, but miracles do happen! Im planning on NEIK to be a mini winner compared to that famous monster winner back in early 2014 that helped change my life financially!
