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06/08/16 9:36 AM

#1103 RE: db7 #1102

way ot: just posting an update to my prior post regarding a completely unrelated low-float, merger event stock:

h_m_n_y high of day so far today: $17.00 and was $1.11 the day before the merger

db7 Member Level Monday, 06/06/16 02:31:47 PM
Re: None
Post # of 1102

ot: saw another low-float / merger play today.. hoping we get similar action if/when our time comes

ticket: h_m_n_y
float: 319.08K per yahoo finance
prev close: $ 1.11
today's high so far: $10.00

The float here used to be lower than that but is higher now that Falcone's shares aren't counted as insider-owned anymore. Not sure what he'll do if/when this play goes active(?)

Low-float stocks in general have been on fire lately with the momentum players. I believe this activity is usually seen near market tops or at least so I've heard over the years.

I was thinking/hoping this was going to get used in the 2nd qtr of this year BUT not so sure anymore with the FGL delay..etc...etc..etc