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06/06/16 9:51 AM

#40725 RE: OldAIMGuy #40724

Hi Tom... Action

Great to hear about you being back in some individual shares again. Congrats on those recent buys then sells. You're playing with the house's money right out of the gate! Things are dead over hear no trading for a couple weeks... Close to a sell twice, and close to a buy twice but never got the shot off... Speaking of ETF's, I really like OUSA and it's concepts... Best Regards, Ken


06/06/16 4:40 PM

#40727 RE: OldAIMGuy #40724

Congrats on your trades Tom

After being a deep diver for me for years, I decided to add significantly to my shares of DHT. The 18% divident had something to do with it. I will have to watch it like a halk this time around. Its high earnings got me in trouble the last time. I am going to place a trailing stop loss order.



06/07/16 2:39 PM

#40730 RE: OldAIMGuy #40724

Hi Tom, I still have CGNX in my taxable account and it has been a good AIM stock. My next sell is at 46.6.

A mistake I made is delaying buying on the last pullback, which means I missed a buy. That's one of the problems with delaying buying and trying to buy on the rise. This interrupts AIM's mechanism.

The Grabber

06/09/16 6:50 PM

#40752 RE: OldAIMGuy #40724

Hi Tom!

Congrats on the early productivity with CGNX.


That hasn't been brought up lately at all.

I never had a program with it that I can recall, but do remember that you and a few other of us old timers did well with it for quite a long time.

And didn't you use CGNX in some of the early explanatory bits at your site?