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06/04/16 10:25 AM

#83316 RE: Perfectshot23 #83313

If we wait until then, what's the upside for shareholders? We just witnessed a 35% decline in share price after the release of earnings, it's clear any new deal will be accompanied with .10c warrants or less.. I see the debt being paid at the expense of shareholders just a matter of time. No fault to Dan as Brent is responsible along with his rubber stamp BOD for the financial crisis the company is in today. The BOD let him do whatever he wanted and got kickbacks for doing so. Example : Mr. Fields receives $1 mil cash for doing DD on FIN deal shouldn't that have been done by our auditors or the CFO, all that's right !!! Jim McCormick wasn't a real CFO.
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06/16/16 11:02 AM

#83574 RE: Perfectshot23 #83313

Restructuring the debt via bankruptcy or more good money thrown at it???

That's the Question!!!! What's the Answer?

Dick is controlling what path to go down.. and If you believe the company is worth $80 mil after being debt free, then this path is being looked at as an option. I wouldn't be surprised by anything, but I don't see Strong chasing bad money with good money..