Good grief.....Heddle is intimately connected to Bordynuik who was found to have committed securities fraud in two countries
Heddle was under scrutiny for laundering money in a bankruptcy case involving one of his associates.
Heddle was involved in a case with the Canadian maritime people where he was caught trying to game the system for his own monetary benefit.
It is no great stretch to think he would link himself to another company where there was a convicted felon of fraud involved. And although some want to shout this down a just not true they apparently haven't done the actual DD' some have and found it to be verified through simple means.
If there were just one instance it would be easy to pretend he is above reproach .....but the fact he has been involved in several situations and individuals where ethics and/or legal matters show him to be sleazy say otherwise.
if the premise is that JT is connected to Eco what difference does it matter in June 2016? since filings show a parting of the ways previously ..
the *rumour* about RH (allegedly) getting cozy was never about Eco .. rather a version of *LONDON CALLING* and that was Oct 2014 .. when *curiously* >> *volume* (was on par with back to back days of Jan 2012) .. hit PTOI's *tape of *trades*
and *coincidentally* .. buried the ACC Executive Summary's release