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06/02/16 7:00 PM

#12622 RE: mytvsbroke #12619

Hello again, mytvsbroke,

Have you by chance spoken with him?

I have exchanged e-mails with him, as I wanted to get an idea of timelines, progress, etc. Also, one of the things I asked him about was a possible up-listing to the OTCQB in the near future, and he said "Yes".

own any shares yet?


I prob need a small position soon

A small "starter" position wouldn't hurt. Obviously, the Madagascar property is at least a year away, but once the P.R.O. Lab is fully secured, and the news comes out, I expect it to pop to at least C$ 0.10. The lab is already cash flow positive, and then there is a gold royalty, and the wholesale graphite business, so they will be up to three revenue sources.

Also, as I wrote, the lab adds about C$ 3.5 M to the balance sheet, so with the cash they got from the PP, and the other properties, the book/share value alone should be north of C$ 0.20.

You might want to visit and post on the DMNKF board, as I just got one of the guys who bought into the PP, has met Dan, and has a lot of mining experience aboard.

He can offer a metric ton more insight on this company than I can.

Have a great evening!