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07/28/06 5:32 AM

#41117 RE: F6 #41116

"This is Going to Be A Big War"

by Dahr Jamail
Published on Friday, July 14, 2006 by Iraq Dispatches [ ]

"This is going to be a big war."

You can always spot them a mile away-he was white, middle-aged, overweight, hair cut close to hide the pattern baldness, red face, wearing a Harley Davidson motorcycle t-shirt and shorts. All of the aforementioned is acceptable in the Middle East, of course, minus the shorts. Aside from a few places like Beirut, wearing shorts in the Middle East isn't exactly being respectful of the native culture.

But when you are a mercenary, I suppose that's damned low on your priority list.

Then there was the other one-I noticed him in Chicago before we board our Royal Jordanian flight to Amman. A 30-something white man, eyes wide open, looking over his shoulder constantly, chewing gum so hard his jaw muscles protruded. Blue-flames tattooed on his right arm above the wrist-running up under his sleeve I don't know how far up his arm. His tan combat boots and tan backpack kind of gave him away too, despite his wearing civilian clothing.

During my flight I sat near a kind Palestinian man from the West Bank. The older gentleman works in Dallas, and is retiring from his electronics store which he is happy to tell me is being passed along to his kids. His wife remains in the West Bank, so that's why he's moving back home. I asked him what it's like to go home.

"I spend the night in Amman then the next day it takes sometimes the full day to cross the bridge and get through the checkpoints. We have the Jordanian border, the Israeli checkpoint, and another to get into the West Bank," he says, "Each time they take all our things out, search them and us, then if we're lucky we're waved through."

I ask him how he deals with it, personally, without losing his mind. "Oh, all I can do is laugh, because if I lose my temper, if anyone loses their temper, the soldiers [occupation soldiers] just go away for 3-4 hours until they feel like returning. So we all just stay calm and behave gently and with dignity. They have all the power. We have none. So what else can we do?"

Behaving like a typical Arab, he invites me to his home anytime I'm in the area.

Landing in the heat of Amman, I left the plane and walk past a Jordanian man holding a small piece of paper up which read, "Blackwater". Of course it's for one (or both) of the men I described above…and soon I see him greeting the man who prefers to wear shorts in the Middle East.

Not too much has changed in the airport in Amman, aside from the new Starbucks. Of course, the Cinnabon had already been here for at least a couple of years.

Meanwhile, plenty has changed in the region since I was here one year ago. Wednesday, after having two of their soldiers captured by Hezbollah fighters, the government of Israel has sent ground troops, backed by aircraft and artillery, into Southern Lebanon. It's the first ground operation by the Israelis in Lebanon since they withdrew from occupying Lebanon in 2000. Just what the Middle East needs-another country to be occupied; the move is akin to dumping jet fuel on a raging fire.

The prime minister of Israel, Ehud Olmert, referring to how his country would respond to having two of their soldiers kidnapped by Hezbollah, told a joint news conference with visiting Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, "The Lebanese government is responsible. Lebanon will pay the price."

Adhering to his favorite policy of collective punishment, Olmert, added, "…those responsible for the attack will pay a high and painful price." So attack a country because a rebel group in south Lebanon captured two soldiers. And so the madness continues, as an Israeli air strike on a house in Gaza on what they claimed was targeting a "Hamas top militant leader" killed nine Palestinians, including seven children from one family.

Syrian Vice President Faruq al-Shara stated recently that Israel's occupation of Arab land lays at the root of the new crisis that found Israeli troops entering Lebanon. Let's have some more jet fuel. Looks like I've picked an interesting time to visit Syria.

Meanwhile, Baghdad burns as over 100 people have been killed in sectarian violence since Sunday.

A short flight has me landing in Damascas, then racing through the streets as warm air flows through the open taxi windows. The pale green lights mark the tops of minarets around the city, the rest of the lights twinkling in the background as we found our way to my hotel.

After checking in, I dropped my bag and began to walk out for some food, only to find Abu Talat at the front desk. A long bear hug and the typical cheek kissing of Arab men, and we meet again after over one year since we last were together. I'd given him the name of my hotel, but was suspect as to whether he would have a successful trip out of Baghdad, with the extremes of violence over the last three days there. He tends to not go far from home when that occurs, but alas, he decided to go after obtaining a promise from his son not to leave his home under any circumstances.

Also typical of Arab men, we walk down the sidewalk holding hands, en route to a café, talking a mile a minute. He tells me how horrible it is in Baghdad. He lists his family members and relatives, one by one, who have left already for good. "Those who can afford to fly are purchasing one way tickets Dahr," he says, "For they have no intention of coming back. Aside from my own children and wife, I am the only one of my relatives left in Iraq."

The fighting is everywhere, he tells me. Now that the U.S. military/Rumsfeld (who was just in Baghdad) and Khalilzad have declared war on the Shia Mehdi Army, accusing them of terrorism, all bets are off. Of course, the timing of this with Israelis attacks against Hezbollah couldn't be more perfect. Coincidence?

"The fighting is everywhere, and there is no way the Americans can control it now," Abu Talat adds, "The Shia are fighting each other for control of Basra, while also fighting the Sunni."

"It is civil war now in Iraq, no doubt," he continues, "But no matter who you ask, no one will admit it. Because people are too afraid to admit this. People prefer to deny it."

Even back at our hotel, there are at least two other Iraqis, who have come here for surgery, since all of the senior doctors have long since left Baghdad to save their own lives.

The next day, Thursday, we awoke with our eyes glued to al-Jazeera on the television. Israeli warplanes bombed Beirut's Rafiq al-Hariri airport. At least two air strikes were reported while Lebanese anti-aircraft guns fired feebly at the jets, according to witnesses. Israeli jets also bombed bridges linking south Lebanon to the rest of the country, and 22 civilians were killed last night by Israeli attacks in southern Lebanon.

In response to the bombings, Hezbollah claims to have fired 60 rockets into northern Israel.

The Israeli justification for bombing the airport in Beirut and pushing into southern Lebanon is that two of their soldiers were captured. In classic newspeak, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said of the incident, "It is an act of war by the state of Lebanon," conveniently omitting the bombings in the occupied territories, including civilians on a beach, by Israeli forces over the last weeks.

"This is going to be a big war," Abu Talat tells me while we watch plumes of smoke billowing from locations within Lebanon, "This is even more important for us to cover than Iraq, and you know how much I love Iraq."

© 2006 Dahr Jamail (emphasis added)

[F6 note -- in addition to (items linked in) the post to which this post is a reply and preceding (and other following), re Iraq see also (items linked in) and preceding (and following) -- and re Blackwater, see my next post, a reply to this post]
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07/28/06 2:22 PM

#41123 RE: F6 #41116

Are the Neo-Cons Pursuing a Failed Nation-State Policy in the Middle East?....(recd via email news)

There has been some intriguing speculation floating around among commentators on the net that the Neo-Cons never had any real intention of building electoral democracies -- as we know them -- in the Middle East. In fact, their goal may be the destruction of nation states in their current form in the Middle East and their replacement with a United States "protectorate" of sorts.

The first choice of the Busheviks would be the installation of puppet governments, such as the one that the U.S. installed for a few decades under the Shah in Iran. And we all know what that led to, don't we.

But in the absence of the ability to establish SAVAK controlled governments, the Neo-Cons may have decided permanent instability in the Middle East, through the destruction of the current nation states, is preferable to their rule by Anti-American leaders.

It should be remembered, in passing, that there are two types of Anti-American leaders in the Middle East: Islamists and secularists. The head of Iran is the former and Assad is the latter.

The current nation-state structure of the Middle-East is a relatively modern creation that came in the wake of post-colonial rule, primarily by the French, British and Ottomans (and if you go far enough back Rome and other armies who have receded into history.)

Iraq is the perfect example of an artificially constructed nation-state in the Middle East. That is why it is currently experiencing civil war. It is basically a truism that if the warring factions within the Islamic world weren’t united in fighting Israel, they would be fighting each other.

That is why Iran and Iraq lost upwards of 2-3 million people in their conflict allegedly over a waterway, when the U.S. under Reagan (through Donald Rumsfeld) backed Saddam Hussein against the Ayatollahs of Iran (who came to power in reaction to the U.S. support of the odious Shah).

Iraq is really composed of primarily three separate peoples: Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish. Without the imposition of the post-colonial map makers, Iraq would have likely been three separate nations.

Lebanon, at one time one of the more or less actual democracies in the Middle East (besides Israel), is composed of so many different "clans" (including Christian Lebanese) that they are hard to count. Yet, miraculously it almost made a go of it as a functioning democracy. Unfortunately for Lebanon, it got caught up in the geopolitical wars of the Middle East and got whacked from Syria, Israel and the U.S. on different sides, as well as becoming a staging ground for Palestinian extremists after the PLO was expelled from Jordan way back when.

The point here is that we could go on and on about the complexities of the Middle East. Israel has no doubt been besieged for so long that it has forgotten, in large part, how to pursue options for peace beyond military excess. But there is little question that if Israel weren't the symbol of Western intervention in the Middle East, the different religious and ethnic factions would be warring with each other.

Students of Lawrence of Arabia know that the Middle East was basically composed of nomadic tribes based on monarchal like loyalty until the beginning of last century.

In large part, with the exception of Iran (which is Persian, not Arab), identities are still largely determined by religious denomination within Islam rather than national identity. Ironically, this is only less true in a secular dictatorship like Syria (and was also the case in Iraq) -- but the old fault lines are and were just simmering below the surface.

This is a very superficial overview of the Middle East leading back to the point that the fantasy lure of "democracy" for the Middle East is a canard because the nation states Bush is talking about are largely artificial constructs. Given true democracy, they would become dismembered into new nation state constructs along lines that more accurately reflect religious and tribal identities than European imposed artificial national nation state constructs.

That is why much consideration should be given to the idea that the Neo-Cons want to create instability in the Middle East by destroying the very concept of the nation states created during the post-Colonial era. Because with chaos and destruction, the Neo-Cons believe, comes the opportunity to divide and conquer.

The end result would be something akin to a U.S.-British protectorate of sham governments in the Middle East, which would allow the U.S.-British oil companies to control the natural resources.

If all this sounds preposterous to you, remember that a truly Western style democratic government in Iran was overthrown by the U.S. in 1953, largely over the issue of Iran's desire to reclaim their rights to their own oil (which was then completely run as a concession by the British). The Dulles brothers claimed that they were protecting the oil fields from the Soviet Union, but that was so much bunk. They were upholding the right of the West to basically control oil in the Middle East.

The 1953 overthrow of a charismatic, truly democratically elected leader in Iran led, ultimately, to the seizing of the American hostages and the "Ayatollah revolution."

What is clear from history is that U.S. policy has laid the seeds of its own destruction in the Middle East. And Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the Neo-Cons are surpassed by no one for being Johnny Appleseeds of self-defeating chaos and destruction.

All that will be born of their wanton and reckless bloodshed is a new generation of anti-American sentiment, more radical, militarized and even further away from any notion of the peaceful development of their societies.

Finally, it should be noted that however loathsome the goals of Hezbollah and Hammas may be, they have gained the support of many followers among the general population they live amongst not for their militancy against Israel, but rather for the social, medical and educational services they provide. Like an old time ward precinct captain in Chicago, they know that people are thankful for basic services, particularly in the absence of functioning nation states.

Destroying nation states will only accelerate the attractiveness of groups like Hammas and Hezbollah, because they spend dollars (a lot of it from Iran, particularly in the case of Hezbollah) on taking care of "their people."

How about if the U.S. and Israel spent billions of dollars on improving the lives of Middle East residents instead of trying to bomb them into submission?

That would probably be the best long-term investment in the national security interests of both the United States and Israel. Some isolated military actions might be needed now and then to stop those hard core radicals intent on attacking either nation (particularly in the case of suicide bombings), but nothing along the magnitude of the war in Iraq or the current bombing of Lebanon civilians and infrastructure.

All politics are local. Most Palestinians -- like most Israelis and Americans -- just want peace, prosperity and respect. We should create the conditions where the garden can grow instead of being trampled on.

But both America and Israel are much better off negotiating with legitimate nation states than with terrorist organizations. The Neo-Cons appear to be pursuing a policy of creating failed nation states.

And that is a major reason that they are such miserable failures.

Because you can negotiate with a nation state. But you can't negotiate with chaos.
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07/28/06 11:02 PM

#41125 RE: F6 #41116

Reign of Error

Published: July 28, 2006

Amid everything else that’s going wrong in the world, here’s one more piece of depressing news: a few days ago the Harris Poll reported that 50 percent of Americans now believe that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction when we invaded, up from 36 percent in February 2005. Meanwhile, 64 percent still believe that Saddam had strong links with Al Qaeda.

At one level, this shouldn’t be all that surprising. The people now running America never accept inconvenient truths. Long after facts they don’t like have been established, whether it’s the absence of any wrongdoing by the Clintons in the Whitewater affair or the absence of W.M.D. in Iraq, the propaganda machine that supports the current administration is still at work, seeking to flush those facts down the memory hole.

But it’s dismaying to realize that the machine remains so effective.

Here’s how the process works.

First, if the facts fail to support the administration position on an issue — stem cells, global warming, tax cuts, income inequality, Iraq — officials refuse to acknowledge the facts.

Sometimes the officials simply lie. “The tax cuts have made the tax code more progressive and reduced income inequality,” Edward Lazear, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, declared a couple of months ago. More often, however, they bob and weave.

Consider, for example, Condoleezza Rice’s response a few months ago, when pressed to explain why the administration always links the Iraq war to 9/11. She admitted that Saddam, “as far as we know, did not order Sept. 11, may not have even known of Sept. 11.” (Notice how her statement, while literally true, nonetheless seems to imply both that it’s still possible that Saddam ordered 9/11, and that he probably did know about it.) “But,” she went on, “that’s a very narrow definition of what caused Sept. 11.”

Meanwhile, apparatchiks in the media spread disinformation. It’s hard to imagine what the world looks like to the large number of Americans who get their news by watching Fox and listening to Rush Limbaugh, but I get a pretty good sense from my mailbag.

Many of my correspondents are living in a world in which the economy is better than it ever was under Bill Clinton, newly released documents show that Saddam really was in cahoots with Osama, and the discovery of some decayed 1980’s-vintage chemical munitions vindicates everything the administration said about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. (Hyping of the munitions find may partly explain why public belief that Saddam had W.M.D. has made a comeback.)

Some of my correspondents have even picked up on claims, mostly disseminated on right-wing blogs, that the Bush administration actually did a heck of a job after Katrina.

And what about the perceptions of those who get their news from sources that aren’t de facto branches of the Republican National Committee?

The climate of media intimidation that prevailed for several years after 9/11, which made news organizations very cautious about reporting facts that put the administration in a bad light, has abated. But it’s not entirely gone. Just a few months ago major news organizations were under fierce attack from the right over their supposed failure to report the “good news” from Iraq — and my sense is that this attack did lead to a temporary softening of news coverage, until the extent of the carnage became undeniable. And the conventions of he-said-she-said reporting, under which lies and truth get equal billing, continue to work in the administration’s favor.

Whatever the reason, the fact is that the Bush administration continues to be remarkably successful at rewriting history. For example, Mr. Bush has repeatedly suggested that the United States had to invade Iraq because Saddam wouldn’t let U.N. inspectors in. His most recent statement to that effect was only a few weeks ago. And he gets away with it. If there have been reports by major news organizations pointing out that that’s not at all what happened, I’ve missed them.

It’s all very Orwellian, of course. But when Orwell wrote of “a nightmare world in which the Leader, or some ruling clique, controls not only the future but the past,” he was thinking of totalitarian states. Who would have imagined that history would prove so easy to rewrite in a democratic nation with a free press?

Copyright 2006 The New York Times Company

[F6 note -- in addition to (items linked in) the post to which this post is a reply and preceding and (other) following, see also in particular (items linked in) and preceding and following]
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09/03/06 8:49 PM

#42026 RE: F6 #41116


Richard Neville
Journal of a Futurist - 31 August 2006

The first death known to me, that was precipitated by a Rupert Murdoch headline, occurred in Sydney in March, 1964, when a schoolboy committed suicide. More of that later. These days, the casualties resulting from military invasions championed by Murdoch are numbered in the thousands, though he is not the sole agent of destruction. One of his former TV producers in the Middle East, Serene Sabbagh, resigned from Fox recently because of its “bias and racism”. What tipped her over the edge was the bombing of Qana.

“As a mother of three, watching the images, the raw images of children being pulled out of the rubble … and then I switched to Fox News to hear some of their anchors claiming that these little kids that were killed, these innocent victims that were killed, were human shields used by Hezbollah. And one of the anchors went as far as saying they were planted there by Hezbollah to win support in this war. And it was unbelievable. For me, that was the breaking point… [ ]

On August 6, Serene Sabbagh and a colleague sent a joint letter of resignation to Fox News: "Not only are you an instrument of the Bush White House, and Israeli propaganda, you are war mongers with no sense of decency, nor professionalism." A verdict which is widely echoed. “Fox News has had reporters running around northern Israel chronicling every rocket attack and every Israeli mobilisation, but has shown little or no interest in anything happening on the other side of the border”, noted Andrew Gumbel in the UK’s Independent [ ].

News Corp had “walked away from professional journalism and crossed over into dutiful propaganda”, wrote another analyst, ”a dangerous new chapter even for Fox News”. The whole organization had shifted beyond warmongering into deep censorship, where it “purposely cordoned off topics of discussion… In fact, I could not find a single, authentic, independent expert on Arab politics and history who appeared on Fox News to discuss the roots of the escalating violence. Not one [ ].”


In the editorial pages of Murdoch’s antipodean flagship, The Australian, the bombing of Beirut is presented as [ ] “Israel doing Lebanon a favour” and restive Arabs are described as “Nazis”. None of this should be surprising, as Murdoch revealed to the Hollywood Reporter that his media ventures are “not as important to me as spreading my personal political beliefs" (November 23, 2005). And these beliefs are dangerous. Murdoch’s influential Weekly Standard advocates the pursuit of “regime change in Syria …. and a military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait? [ ]

It does not seem to figure in Murdoch’s personal accounting that over half a million civilians are now dead or disfigured as a result of the wars he has already promoted. Instead of reconsidering his politics, like other lapsed neocons, Murdoch is still blazing away with his tools of the trade: hate, lies, fear and censorship.

So here’s the nub. In a world facing a series of crises, should an unelected billionaire with a militant agenda and key politicians in the palm of his hand be allowed to preside over a global empire of propaganda? An empire continually expanding, one that gobbles up competitors and is now even blocking free speech on the internet? (See 'MySpace Is The Trojan Horse Of Internet Censorship' [ (F6 note -- originally at )])


On top of this, Murdoch’s minions reject the inconvenient facts of climate chaos and attack the greens as “a threat to the prosperity and well-being” of the world (The Australian September 02, 2004). Whereas a real threat to the well-being of the world and its people is Rupert Murdoch, as I first discovered long ago.

These days, Murdoch’s war-mongering is compulsive and his disregard for human wreckage is both calculated and global; but in the beginning, what marked his output was a casual (and sometimes fatal) disregard for the frailties of humans.

Murdoch’s rise to power took off in Sydney in 1964, when he acquired an afternoon tabloid, the Daily Mirror. On March 12, the Mirror front paged a report on “promiscuity” among the pupils of a city high school, which was based on the contents of a young girl’s diary. The resulting uproar led to the diarist and a fellow student being expelled from school. A job well done.

That’s where the story ended as far the Mirror was concerned, though not for those involved. The 13 year old schoolboy named in the diary, Digby Bamford, was found hanging from his backyard clothesline, having committed suicide. This news was “cordoned off” from public consumption. Even rival papers kept the secret, until a disgruntled Murdoch journalist tipped off an independent magazine. The author of the “school sex” diary was examined by a doctor from the Child Welfare Department and found to be a virgin.

During an interview years later, I reminded Murdoch of this event and his reaction was sharp: “Don’t you ever make mistakes?” Of course I do. Many. After acquiring the News of the World in London in 1971, Rupert discovered another diary, while he was campaigning against a popular BBC TV show, Top of the Pops. His paper accused its stars of “promiscuity” with young dancers in the audience. One of these was Samantha MacAlpine, aged 15, whose “leatherette bound book”, according Murdoch’s news desk, “could well blow wide open the scandal at the BBC”. The day after this report, Samantha MacAlpine committed suicide.

The News of the World tried to cover itself with the headline, THIS GIRL WAS A VICTIM … NOW SHE IS DEAD, but the coroner stated that Samantha’s diary was “pure fantasy…. unconnected with reality”, (like much Murdoch journalism). A Scotland Yard officer accused the paper of being “ludicrous and irresponsible”. As is the Murdoch style, the evidence from the inquest was kept from the readers. Also suppressed was the statement of the forensic pathologist, that in his opinion, Samantha had died a virgin.


Two weeks ago, when young Australian Jack Thomas appealed his conviction for receiving funds from Al Qaeda and holding a false passport, he was acquitted by the Victorian Court of Appeal. FURY AFTER JIHAD JACK WALKS FREE, headlined The Australian, although the fury was largely confined to Murdoch’s newsroom. A jury had previously acquitted Jack Thomas of two more substantial matters. The Victorian Court quashed his conviction on the lesser charges, because police statements had been taken from the defendant while he was incarcerated in Pakistan without access to a lawyer and subjected to assaults. (A US interrogator told Thomas he would crush his testicles, rape his wife and put her breasts in a vice). When the Appeal judges freed Thomas, as they were obliged to do under Australian law, the Murdoch media called for public outrage and demanded “rapid amendments to ensure that no judge can make the same mistake”. One of the first steps in the Third Reich’s campaign to win over the hearts and minds of the German people was to attack the judges. Another step was to consolidate the media. A third step was to fan the flames of fear.

In response to criticism of its assault on the judiciary, The Australian hit back: ‘what will it take to get Mr Thomas’s apologists to take the terror threat seriously? Suicide bombers detonating aboard Melbourne’s trams? A USS Cole-style strike on the Manly ferry?” And sure enough, as I write, another Murdoch missile hits the front page. SYDNEY WILL BE ATTACKED.

After interviewing 572 citizens, the Daily Telegraph has decided that “most Australians believe we are locked in a losing war against Islamic terrorists and an attack on our home soil … is inevitable”. The number who cite Murdoch’s compulsive belligerence as a factor in the escalation of terror is not revealed. On the same day, Jack “Jihad” Thomas is arrested on the beach, slapped with a newly introduced “control order” and ordered home, where his movements are to be restricted. Questioning voices are merely a “civil libertarian lobby that believes John Howard is a greater threat to our way of life than bin Laden”, according to MurodchWorld. No, the greatest threat is the control of information from the top. “Fascism ought to more properly be called corporatism”, said Mussolini, “since it is the merger of state and corporate power.” Beware of a global Goebbels.


How Mark Antony might have viewed Murdoch’s bloodlust:

Rupert Murdoch is an honourable man,
otherwise he would not be honoured so,
by other honourable men,
Like Mr Bush, Tony Blair and Mr Howard
Who, you all know, are honourable men.
Let’s not do them wrong; I’d rather choose
To wrong the dead. And the dead are many.
If you have tears, prepare to shed them now.

Ran Rupert’s dagger through a free and open press
Dismembering truth and good intent,
Then what a rent the cursed Bush-ites made
Upon the battered peoples of Iraq
Whose tears and gore besmirched the Tigris.

Mark how the blood of Afghans stained the sand,
And tearful Qana infants torched from sky.
Judge, free citizens, how loudly Murdoch brayed
To feed his oily thirst for power, growth and wealth
Beyond all proportion, cheered by underlings.

O, what a fall was there, my tarnished Democrats.
Then I, and you, and all of us fell down,
Whilst bloody mindedness flourish'd over us.
O, now you weep; and, I perceive, you feel
The dint of shame: Our good name squandered.
Our laws abused, our governance marr'd with traitors.

O piteous spectacle!
The evil that men do lives after them.

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Richard Neville has been a practicing futurist since 1963, when he launched the countercultural magazine, Oz, which widened the boundaries of free speech on two continents. He has written several books, including Playpower (71), the bio of a global serial killer (79), his sixties memoir, Hippie Hippie Shake (95) and his latest handbook of social change, Footprints of the Future. A social commentator and a professional futurist with a sharp tongue, Richard is based in Australia, where he continues to ?stir the possum?.

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Richard Neville has been around a while. He lives in Australia, the land that formed him. In the Sixties he raised hell in London and published Oz. He can be reached through his very bracing website,

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Copyright 2006 Richard Neville (emphasis in original) [F6 note -- currently the lead item at this link; once the next lead item is posted, the above will be clearly linked on the left underneath 'Click to access previous journals' -- the above is also available under the title 'Killing News - Rupert Murdoch's Media Machine' at , and in somewhat truncated form under the title 'Rupert Murdoch's Victims - The Life and Crimes of a Global Goebbels' at (the bio blurbs above from these links)]

[F6 note -- for more re Murdoch, see e.g. (and there note, under 'Trivia', 'A strong believer in the Scottish Calvaistic [sic 'Calvinistic'] Doctrines.', and then see e.g. items at ) -- and in addition to (items linked in) the post to which this post is a reply and (the many) preceding and (other) following, see also (items linked in): (source link ); (original source link, under title '"Fascism" Frame Set Up by Right-Wing Press', is ); and preceding and following; (and preceding) (. . .); and preceding; (and preceding) (. . .) and following; and preceding and following; and following; (interesting on more than one level); and preceding; and preceding; ; and preceding (and following); and preceding and following; ; (and following) (. . .); ; (many other similarly enlightening RUUSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH transcripts available via ); and preceding and following; ; and preceding and following; and following; ; ; ; and following; and following; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; (listening again for the first time to the entire speech [at ] about broke me up -- does such energy and hope and focus on the honest truth of our shared humanity even exist anymore?) and preceding (and following) (. . .); and following; (and following) (. . .); (and preceding) (. . .); ; (and following); ; and preceding and following; and preceding and following; (and preceding); and preceding; ; and preceding (. . .); and preceding and following; (and preceding); (and preceding and following); and preceding; and preceding; and preceding and following; and preceding; ; ; ; ; AND following (. . .); and preceding and following; and preceding and following; ; ; (interesting on more than one level) and preceding and following; and following; and preceding; and preceding; and preceding and following; ; ; (hey, I don't have Al-Jazeera yet, anybody else?) (. . .) and preceding and following; ; (. . .); and preceding and following; ; and preceding and following; and following; ; and preceding and following (IN PARTICULAR [. . .] and following); and preceding and following and preceding and following; ; (. . .) and preceding and following; ; and preceding and following; ; ; and preceding and following; (. . .) and preceding (and following) (. . .); ; ; and following; (and preceding); and preceding and following; ; and preceding; (interesting on more than one level) and preceding and following; and following; (and preceding); ; AND preceding; and following; ; and following; ; and following; and preceding; (lead graphic/last item) and preceding; and following; ; and following; and following (. . .); (and preceding and following); ; ; ; ; ; (and following); ; and following; and preceding; ; (. . .) AND preceding and following; and preceding and following; and preceding; and preceding and following; ; and preceding and following; (and preceding); ; and (and preceding)]