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05/31/16 10:07 AM

#121667 RE: NRC #121666

The reason that you found it to be newsworthy is - well - because the information was newsworthy.

Simple as that.

There is nothing to dislike about this announcement being made about this testing and evaluation arrangement.

Also - by getting a major medical group like St. Judes' involved in these aspects of the Pre-Clinical testing and candidate finalization,....

It will make the results that are produced (assuming of course that they remain as positive as most of us suspect they will be) under this testing far more acceptable to the FDA or its foreign counterparts once the plans go up for review and approval for clinical testing.

I love the fact that there are now at least 3 major University and a prestigious research hospital involved in the work that NNVC is having done,....

Legitimate and well-established sets of scientists and doctors are much harder to dismiss and besmirch.