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07/27/06 11:41 PM

#1581 RE: bartermania #1579

The United States Federal Counselors Association began informally in late 1997 under the direction of Dr. Dale Livingston, a Ph.D. (1993) in life counseling and former director of PASS, or the People Against Suicide Society.

Engaged in research in the governmental causes of public depression and what to do about it, Dr. Livingston, somewhat by accident, discovered an astonishing mystery that had already been evolving for some time - involving a subject called the "Missing 13th Amendment" as uncovered by one National Archival Expert, David Dodge, apparently believed to have been illegally removed from the United States Constitution somewhere around or following the Civil War. Because of this historical revelation, Dr. Livingston began to lose a great deal of the respect that he had had for the profession of attorneys up to that time, particularly those who proclaimed themselves to be devout followers of the bar associations in one state or the other.

Discovering further that the word "bar" as used in the legal profession means "British Accreditation Registry," believed to be connected to the Bank of England and the world banks, Dr. Livingston became quite concerned that our nation was being sold out to the highest bidders, and using our own legal profession to orchestrate the deal.

Still further, learning that the title of "Esquire" generally ascribed to attorneys or lawyers in this country is actually a title of British Nobility (positioned between Knight and Gentleman), Dr. Livingston became completely disillusioned and very concerned about the monopolistic legal structure that had apparently taken over the courts of our country, in fact as a form of a kind of noble class - in direct defiance to certain other existing parts of the Constitution.

Determined to do something about it, Dr. Livingston launched an in-depth study into the Constitution, History, and a scientific system of Logical Analysis, along with his own particular brand of creativity, in order to find a way of restoring a greater balance of equality and fairness in law than what we then had, much of which had theretofore been eroded away by the corruption generated and fostered by the infamous bar associations of this country, the United States.

The United States Federal Counselors Association began to formulate more distinctively in early 1998, being launched initially by Dr. Livingston, then a graduating student of law at GeorgeStone School of Law, along with a few other acquaintances who were likewise students of law in one capacity or the other, each at varying stages of study. As to the issue of "joining the bar," Dr. Livingston had decided from the outset that he did not wish to become a member of any bar at any time.

A supporting associate by the name of Joseph C. McElhaney may be credited with prompting Dr. Livingston toward establishing a more formal structure for the organization, and the general associates of the USFCA began to discuss the potential of the future of the Association with Dr. Livingston who began likewise to discuss the issue with attorneys who were already members of different bar associations throughout the United States, and discovered thereby that there were many attorneys around the country who literally did not like the bar associations whatsoever, as a matter of principle or practice, but were either reluctant or unsure as to what to do about it.

As Dr. Livingston began to explore the issues surrounding the existence and organization of the bar association(s) in more depth than ever, he came to understand and believe that there needed to be an alternative, or opponent, to the said bar associations (one and all) of this country, such as there had never been before.

Eventually, in 1999, Dr. Livingston was joined by Dr. Thomas H. Smith, a long known practitioner of historical law and research, although historical law and research was not so described in the earlier days of the USFCA. The Association is honored by Dr. Smith's interest in them as a Board Member.

Dr. Livingston and Dr. Smith began to consult with a number of other profound legal minds and thinkers, some professors of historical law and other law, some being historical and modern law consultants, some attorneys, and so forth, most of who did not wish to be identified, so great was their fear of the corrupt and vindictive vengeance to be wrought upon them by their respective bar associations.

Stephen G. Bennett was the next individual to become a member of the USFCA board, a very successful attorney, who as a member of the bar, engaged for many years in the business of law. Mr. Bennett is a very rare individual as attorneys go, hates the bar association(s) with a passion, is a member of one only because he, like so many others, is required to be in order to maintain his livelihood, and has stated as to his views on it: "I learned back in Law School that the American Bar Association got started in a little town in Ohio when some foreigners moved in to town and brought with them their own attorneys, and the local attorneys there in the town organized the American Bar Association in order to prevent the new attorneys from going to business and competing against them. Now what is that? It is anti-trust, a monopoly. Today anti-trust is illegal"

Stephen G. Bennett, who prefers to be called by no titles, has been regarded as a brilliant and successful attorney, not because his aforementioned bar membership, but in spite of it. He also does not believe that attorneys are a better class of people than everybody else. This is a rare quality of true manhood as far as people go, and especially rare among attorneys. Mr. Bennett also believes that an individual who thinks he knows the law well enough to "assist others in it" should have the right to do so, and let "his or her" future reputation in successes or failures become the credentials of his/her particular business in law. In other words, competition, the good old fashioned American Way, the way it was in the days of the real Constitution. After all, the truth is that even attorneys who have graduated from law school and become members of a bar by passing the test still lose cases for their clients. And not all people can afford law school graduated attorneys, but may still need some assistance in a particular matter in their life.

And "public defenders" now more commonly called "public pretenders" are not the solution for a lot of people; many people do not trust them, since they are paid by the same government that pays the judge, the jury, and the prosecuting attorney(s).

So Mr. Bennett's assessment of the right of the people to the "Assistance of Counsel" is in keeping with the goals of the USFCA to bring the masses "up to speed" in the law, so that people can better learn to defend themselves, legally, just as they would learn to do in a martial arts studio in relation to physical confrontations - and to help each other when needed or called for as well. The Association is honored for Mr. Bennett's interest in them as a Board Member.

Joyce Davis, a USFCA Historical Law Researcher, was the next one to join the USFCA as a board member. Mrs. Davis began her career as a legal secretary years ago, and then as a paralegal, having worked for such prominent firms and attorneys as J. Duffy Palmer - former District Attorney for Davis County, Utah; for the law firm of Max Tanner - Nevada; Bolend & McBeath - Nevada; and Clark, Green & Reeves - now Clark & Green - Nevada. Mrs. Davis' experience in this field spans a time of more than 20 years as a Professional In Law - Not An Attorney. Additionally, she has come to have considerable experience dealing with corrupt and dishonest attorneys who are members of and have been given protection, as she and others believe it to be, by certain state's Bar associations. The Association is honored for her interest in them as a Board Member.

LaMarr Hardy, also a Historical Law Researcher, is the head of the famous Research Foundation in Hawaii, and has been successful in helping literally thousands of people to defend themselves from the cold and merciless prosecutions of a corrupt government out of control. Mr. Hardy is associated with many of the nation's finest and sharpest Attorneys and CPAs and other legal minds, and has an order of other historical law researchers that pales all others by comparison. Much historical truth in law has been brought forth unto the courts and the people by Mr. Hardy's efforts, and many owe him a lot for that which he has accomplished in his lifetime. The Association is honored for his interest in them as a Board Member.

Undaunted by the possibility of what could happen to them, without regard to their own personal safety which might result if recklessly distressed bar members might suddenly determine to have physical, violent harm done to them, Dr. Livingston and Dr. Smith continued to work toward the structure and finalization of the USFCA until finally they established the Association's first Board of Trustees, done under the witness of 39 citizens of the United States, symbolic of 3 witnesses for each of the original 13 states that found this country, the United States of America.

The Charter for the USFCA was then recorded as required under certain internationally inherent laws to avoid any local harassments and hassles, as well as under the laws of a particular state whose laws were specially structured to accommodate such an open and aloof organization.

In order to protect the 39 signers as witnesses - who ratified the USFCA Charter and thereby brought the same into formal existence - from being threatened or harassed hereafter, the USFCA has elected to not reveal their names at this time, but will likely do so at such time in the future as it might be deemed to be appropriate and safe and secure to do so.

The United States Federal Counselors Association, as an organization, has three daily administrative officers, none of which are members of the board.

Running the daily affairs of the Association, it has a chief Administrator, a man of tremendous background and knowledge, being a retired Navy chief of 32 years, a former Manager for the East Coast Division of World Savings Finance Company, the Fourth Largest Finance Company in the Nation, having skillfully managed assets that ranged into the billions of dollars in value, a successful organizer of people, along with many other background skills and credits.

The Secretary of the Association is an individual who is extensively knowledgeable in the legal proceedings and records and in analyzing them for their legal content and significant organizational meaning, and in maintaining legal records and accounts records. As an Association official, the maintenance of membership records as well as the scheduling of Association events is in the highest of skilled and capable hands. The Association Secretary's background includes finance accounting, group event scheduling, and fiduciary records management.

The USFCA Treasurer is a person who has for many, many years managed special estates for some of the finest name families in the country, and has managed to keep all such affairs very secure and continued private, with an accounting for all financial activities within her trust beyond reproach. No less than this may be expected of her by the Association as it forges ahead into new frontiers, growing, ever growing beyond the reach and ultimate control of the infamous bar associations of the United States and possibly the entire world itself. As an overseer of the Association's accounting and finance department, she brings to us that final touch that is a must in good management of the one organization destined to become the predominant organization of law over all bar associations in the United States, or either of them.

The names of these three daily managing officials have been kept confidential from this internet disclosure in order to maintain the daily organizational integrity of the USFCA, and to protect them specifically against unwarranted attacks by arbitrary and adverse legal political factions and individuals opposed to the Association's goals and its causes. All true and genuine at heart members of the Association should understand this with welcome, and look forward to working with these folks in the future as they carry out their duties on behalf of the Association and its many members.

FROM THE TIME OF ITS FORMAL ESTABLISHMENT AND BEING OFFICIALLY RECORDED AS A MATTER OF REQUIRED LAW - forward, the USFCA began to take on members from three different groups of people, (1) attorneys, (2) non-attorneys but still, legal professionals, and (3) just regular, supportive people, "lay people" if you will, whose interest in good legal government has not waned regardless of these times of corrupt and bad government, and a corrupt legal system; all three as members of the same Organization, or under the same Organizational Umbrella, to begin the makeup of the most unique Legal Organization in existence.

It should be noted here that although the Association looks forward to the day that any attorney who is a member of the USFCA will not be required to also be a member of any particular bar association, and therefore will be required not to be, until such time as that legal status shall be accomplished, the Association has extended an open invitation to all attorneys everywhere to investigate us, and if they like what they find, to go ahead and join with us. All restrictions against bar membership will be waived for as long as it takes to establish equal legal status of USFCA attorneys to engage in the business of law wherever they may wish to do so, to the same extent, if not greater, than which they may currently enjoy as a member of their respective bar association, accordingly.

The United States Federal Counselors Association is the only organization of its kind that embraces Attorneys or Lawyers, Paralegals, Law Clerks, Legal Detectives, Legal Consultants, Legal Secretaries, and Legal Scientists, AND "just plain folks," lay people if you will, people not in the legal profession at all, but somewhat desirous to learn and to counsel others as to what they may have learned, whatever that counsel may be.

This ideal has certain tremendous advantages and ramifications. It allows the organization to grow sufficiently to become a major political legal force (but not as a political party) in order to fight and nullify the long existing Terminal legal Illnesses infected upon society by the corruptness and evilness of the infamous bar associations of this country. A way of fighting back at a cancer so malignant upon the freedoms once provided us by the framers of the Constitution, that because of this historical cancerous organization, one can hardly recognize the claim of freedoms and the purity of the law as once having been enjoyed by many of the very people who are still living among us today, or the senior citizens citizens of our country who are still prone to remember "the way it was."

The second great thing that the USFCA has in its heart to accomplish is to provide an entire series of Continuing Law Education classes and courses, the kind that some bar associations and law schools are known to provide for the continuing or greater education of attorneys, with one slight change or difference. Instead of being restricted to attorneys only the way it usually is, or even to college grads, the USFCA is working and looking to hire attorneys of good conscience and moral fiber, with a strong sense of ethics and principles, who are also skilled and knowledgeable in particular areas or subjects of law, to teach particular classes and courses for the Association to ALL of the members of the USFCA, no matter to which of the three groups that they may belong to.

The idea here is to bring the level of education in law among the general populace up to as high a level of legal education as possible, and thereby reduce or eliminate the constant barrage of evil that those who ordinarily have this special knowledge are able to wield against their American brother or sister in each and every phase of society. In other words, to provide the support by pledge to our members who are attorneys, law clerks, legal secretaries, paralegals and so forth, to utilize their services when and where possible, while providing the people the greater strength and ability of legally defending themselves.

With more and more people from the various walks of life suddenly having some more efficient and correct knowledge about the law and how it works, we at the USFCA believe that it will help bring about a sense of freedom from governmental legal oppression - which will help to reduce depression - which will help to further reduce crime - which will increase freedom and prosperity - which will help to bring about peace and still greater prosperity.

All Three Groups of Members; ALL Of The People, Being Brought Together Under The Same Umbrella, To Work Together In Harmony Forever - For Legal Peace.

It's An Idea Whose Time Has Come.

There is much, much more to learn about all of this. Won't you please join us? You are needed here. Click on back to sign up.

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09/27/06 10:38 AM

#2160 RE: bartermania #1579

Amendment 13 Removed

by Forest Glen Durland

Note: Since I wrote this article, reputable Attorney Larry Becraft has presented proof that the Missing 13th was never ratifiied. The issue is certainly in a gray area. Forest


Original 13th Amendment Is Missing
The original 13th Amendment to our Constitution has been illegally removed from publication. One intent of the Amendment was to prohibit the attorneys of powerful European bankers from holding office in America. During the confusion of the War of 1812,when our capital records building was burned, and the Civil War, the bankers and lawyers removed the 13th Amendment, replacing it with the Slave Amendment, which should be the 14th.

The missing 13th Amendment, called Article XIII, reads:
"If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain, any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them."

Note the words Title, Honor, Present, Pension or Emolument from any foreign Power, cease to be a Citizen, and incapable of holding office for either country. Those are very definite limitations with a profound sentence for violators - loss of Citizenship in the United States! If "honor" includes immunities and pensions, etc., all government employees will be under fire. This amendment certainly will cause a great shuffling sound in the areas of election donations (especially from non-residents), holding office, immunity from laws by government agents and agencies, titles of honor, and benefits legislators give themselves.

Of profound concern is President Clinton, who is violating Constitutional law by holding the office of President. A strict interpretation of the law will strip Clinton of his American citizenship. Both Clintons are attorneys. They could have known and they should have known.

A critical area is that of our government agencies usurping excessive power. Federal agents from the IRS, Federal Marshals, etc., have been disregarding warrants and jury trial and relentlessly breaking and entering private homes and businesses. These agencies must no longer be allowed to flagrantly defy our Constitutional law, assuming immunity from prosecution. Read "Income Tax Is Unconstitutional" (see below) and you will find the IRS is powerless and unconstitutional. They act on power usurped by our unconstitutional president much too similar to the dictators from whom our forefathers fled. In the past two years, three large airliners and one public building have been destroyed under questionable circumstances, killing hundreds of people, and each time our federal government sealed off the area and would not allow public or private peace officers, investigators or media onto the site. All remains were destroyed. Survivor witnesses just happened to commit suicide and were cremated, all without public investigation. Then there are the mysterious cases of Vincent Foster, Mena, and our government performing radioactive, etc., experiments on us without even telling us. With the original 13th Amendment, perhaps we people can force less secrecy in government.

Other influences require adjustment in our society. It appears unconstitutional to award judges with the title of "your honor", and "honorable" to our Congress Persons. Lawyers can no longer be immune from questioning and lawsuit in trials, nor can they use "Esquire" after their name or hold any office, for they and that title were a primary target of the 13th.

The 13th may outlaw foreign ownership in America, especially of banks and money. It may be unlawful to sell land, banks, etc. to foreigners. GATT and NAFTA may be illegal. Clarification could be of great benefit to us people.

It is a small wonder the bankers and lawyers removed the 13th Amendment. As you read the rest of the essays on this web site, you will realize that the billionaire banklords have us in an economic stranglehold and that their attorneys in and behind Congress twist our laws to benefit them.

The history leading to the original 13th Amendment reveals the banklords in the pie with their corrupt, sticky fingers. It seems that the powerful European bankers were attempting to control the new American government. In the Jay treaty, the U. S. Senate agreed in secret to pay the King George III of England 600,000 pounds sterling as reparations for the American Revolution. Congress ordered it not to be published, but Ben Franklin’s grandson published anyway. Upon reading it, an angry Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.

Against better American judgement, the United States Bank finally won out, and the European banklords were now on their way to complete control of America.

Lawyers planned to overthrow the new American government, increasing the need for the 13th Amendment. This fact is revealed in a book called 2 VA Law in the Library of Congress. Since attorneys were granted the nobility title of "esquire", and by English attorneys only, they were considered to be working with and for the powerful European bankers, who also were awarded the title of "esquire". Thus, esquire and attorneys were a major target of the 13th Amendment.

Forest Glen Durland obtained a certified copy of the Constitution containing the original 13th Amendment from the State of Maine Archives. It was printed in 1825. The original thirteen amendments were called articles: Article I, Article II, ... Article XIII. (see below.)

I hope you are interested enough to look up some proof and show everyone, especially your Congress Persons. Check the following state archives for the 13th Amendment published on the date listed. Forest did his research over the phone. Be polite.

"Virginia ratified the 13th Amendment on March 10, 1819. This completed the 13 states required to ratify an amendment. (Virginia Legislature Act No. 260, Virginia Archives of Richmond, file, page 299, micro-film). It was published by printing 4,000 copies, triple the usual order, with instructions to send a copy to President James Monroe, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson."
Rhode Island and Kentucky published the new Amendment in 1822.
Ohio first published it in 1824.
Maine ordered 10,000 copies of the Constitution with the 13th Amendment for school use in 1824 and again in 1831 for the Census Edition. It was printed in 1825.
Indiana Revised Laws of 1831 published the 13th article on page 20, Northwestern Territories in 1833.
Ohio Published it in 1831 and again 1833.
Wisconsin Territory in 1839.
Iowa Territory in 1843.
Ohio again in 1848.
Kansas Statutes in 1855.
Nebraska Territory 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859 and 1860.
Colorado Territory printed the U. S Constitution in its Statutes publication showing the 13th Amendment in 1868.
[Credit is given to "the Pen" for the above quote. See Amendment Is Missing. ]

"Could have known and should have known"
"Could have known and should have known" is a precedent set by a California court. Although involving a physician, it implies that all people licensed or in trust by the people must perform as expected of their profession.

Due credit for the research of both of these articles is given to an article by "The Pen" in the Oregon Observer (email:; and especially to David M. Dodge and Tom Dunn, who really made the discovery and did the big research.

Please pass these truths on to everyone you can, and especially to your Congress Persons. Do not depend on the mainstream media to carry these truths. The very life of our country depends on you and your word of mouth.


For more details and discussion, read

Income Tax is Unconstitutional

Amendment is Missing by The Pen.


Could have known and should have known.

To see a certified as correct copy of an 1825 edition of the United States Consitution containing the original Article XIII, click here. In those days the Amendments were grouped under "Amendments to the Constitution" and listed as "Articles". These files are big. It takes about a minute and a half for them to fully appear on your screen at 28800, longer for slower modems. But it worth the wait. There is something magical in seeing the original with it browning pages and curled corners stubbornly holding the truth. It shows how low the banklords and attorneys have stooped to put a noose around our necks. A note of special gratitude is made to the Archivists in the Maine State Archives for preserving and copying this invaluable document.


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