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05/29/16 11:01 PM

#40563 RE: benosufan #40562


does that matter to you? My shares are all paid for...long time ago...

You have 256 Million DUTV shares that can trade. You have 144 Million ENTI shares that can trade. Total 400 Million...

Those 400 Million are very strong shares...I have a few...

As long as that cert share is locked the price could go through the roof...

Cost to cover...Ouch!!!

or you can OG and back door the cert to lesson the cost to cover...

Choices...not my call. 6 Billion or 100 Million - 200 million
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05/30/16 2:00 AM

#40564 RE: benosufan #40562

Now in Theory Beno

If your going with the OG thing...

You clear the cert with a RM then forward split and get 650 million
clear the 150 million leaving 500 million...

Then you have to clear the 3 MIA cert or 6 million which takes the price back to $5 that are yet owed...

Then you R/S ENTI 10:1 for 50 Million shares, add the 6 Million from the MIA certs, add the 14.440 Million from DUTV, add the 20.2 Million PTEL, add about 9 million from SREH and others for your 100 Million ss at PTEL at about $25...

Then if you're going to have a NPT you issue 500 million shares off that @ $5 per share to the owners of the 100 Million PTEL...

Still leave 3.51 Billion control from DUTV and 1.4 Billion trading shares...

Then you take Encounter Tech Inc and list it overseas, then none of the SS can be shorted as it is already merged with everything...

Then you have a Light bulb company and beverage company maybe to deal with also, plus a Bank and Credit union...

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05/30/16 11:37 AM

#40565 RE: benosufan #40562

The twist would be....

Taking the Merged Encounter Tech Inc restricted and Forward split Merging them into a Delaware NASDAQ Ready SS... That already does internet ads and video Ads streaming...

Something like 26 Billion market out there for that...

Only 208 Billion Fundamental Market Cap on 1.4 Billion shares and 8 billion in sales...

30% of the Market works for me for now...You? Vizzads Platform?

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05/30/16 12:55 PM

#40566 RE: benosufan #40562

Maybe more Clarity ?

14.44 Million DUTV, 20.2 Million PTEL, 6 Million ENTI twice, 50 Million NPT and 3.36 Million SREH Divvy's = 100 Million PTEL

Should be plenty of time for non insiders to get in...NO?

The late Donner Pass trip could be brutal

Tony did say 2 LOC's didn't he ? 30 Million and 20 Million ?