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05/27/16 11:14 PM

#68083 RE: Mr/Green #68081

While I agree with most of your post I would say that the real numbers for the comic itself outside of Zwag box are much lower.

I dont count on the comics retailers as much as you guys do.

I will bet they order between 1000 - 5000 copies only of the comic itself.

By issue 4 they will be kicking themselves dont get me wrong. This was why I got into heated discussion with our resident retailer on how wrong headed they are. And as the recent subscription numbers prove, he is indeed wrong about his every assessment of this audience.

So with this in mind, net revenue from each issue is only $1,596 to $7,980 for a total of only $6,384 to $31,920

Where the real money will come is in the collected book volume. Red Giant has shown they know how to make collected volumes in the past and these are premiums that also can be sold in regular book stores and Amazon.

These will likely run $20 for softcovers and $30 for hardcovers. Done right, we're easily looking at 100k orders of soft and 20k orders of hard for total net revenue of around $1 million.

So will the comics be money makers? Yes of course. They are driving zwag box subscriptions and will make money for years to come, but dont count on it from the comic stores or to be five million.

This is all my opinion of course dudes.


05/28/16 10:38 AM

#68102 RE: Mr/Green #68081

I would agree with this especially since they just gave numbers that equate to .0008 earnings per share per quarter!


05/28/16 11:07 AM

#68106 RE: Mr/Green #68081

I think the biggest $$$$$$$$$$$$ has not even been talked about yet. It's the cat in the bag, or mainly having Marky on the hook for 5 years. That's his prime time and with a 13 million following universal is looking for new talent and with Comcast behind universal...... Marky is the very good TARGET.....

This alone with bring us to the silver land...........

But for you guys thinking you want to watch Redg and not jump in......... Thanks, cause I have other cash coming in next month and would lover to pick up 50 mil more at these levels