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05/27/16 7:22 PM

#108177 RE: GurSarai #108159 answer to your questions and/or statements (from Joe Francella, $LVGI CEO):

1) You told him: "I feel our social media person needs to do a better job with engaging costumers and shareholders. Small updates would help."

2) You asked him: "Where do we stand with slam?"

3) You asked him: "when will our remaining hemp core products hit the market? any ETA?"

4) You told him: "We need one big PR, with full line of hemp core and Slam Launch on all major trading boards and news outlets. Our share price is undervalued as we are still trading at 0.0003 even though we have products."

5) In addition, you stated: "Also jf, I wanted to recommend advertising hemp core on your local news paper when full line of hemp core is ready."

Hmmmmmmm.....and, in get, this:

"I know it's frustrating being so close and things taking so long when we have all the elements in place. Sometimes, things are out of our hands as is the case at this point in time.

I will formally update with PR when that time comes, and it should be soon.

We will also add social media people at that time."

Joseph Francella
Limitless Venture Group Inc.

...yep...just like I figured: you were 'answered' with a 'non-answer'!
~ That email contains absolutely ZERO information!

And while anything is open to interpretation - I don't think even "Mr. Fantastic" (of the Fantastic 4) could've stretched this "SLAM" story this far! Maybe it's time "JF" has his own super-villan comic name now, too? :-)