WE MUST KEEP IN MIND THE FORM 3 MS. LAVOIE FILED IN MARCH. She had to have a reason to finally file this form. She didn't do it because she was required to or she would have done it years ago when she was supposed to.
What was her reason to do it at this particular time?
Think people, she needed to it IN PREPARATION OF UNLOADING HER SHARES OR DUMPING THIS COMPANY BECAUSE SHE needs to devote her full time attention to St Elie which is most likely going to take any customers Boreal may have left...
I hope I am wrong. But all indications point down that tragic path. I thought Ms. LAVOIE cared about this company and would not do as so many other pinksheet CEO’S do.
Maybe I would feel different if she would actually communicate with her shareholders, what is so hard about putting out info every few weeks, good OR bad, as long as she communicates....