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05/25/16 4:07 PM

#316211 RE: ERHEholder #316210

I agree, but this isn't over yet. I strongly believe that we would be in the dollars if Ntephe and Odobulu had been replaced after their shareholder massacre blunder, but that didn't happen. Now we have a stock that everyone is afraid to own BECAUSE of Ntephe and Odobulu. We need Offor to WAKE UP or we may never see fair value in this stock.

Ntephe and Odubulu are shareholder nightmares and Offor needs to recognized that or he loses too. The rookies took the easy way out and destroyed their careers.

midtieroil and ssc are tiny examples of what will follow Ntephe and Odobulu. They can't be trusted.

It's up to Emeka Offor to fix that... he stands to gain more than anyone... if he acts.

Sigh, it's all been said before. What a waste.