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05/25/16 10:20 AM

#148965 RE: MXAMDUD #148955

you are crazy to sell now, unless you just have to have some cash

Leo has suggested some news about B-UP in the near future and maybe he will have something to say about B-OM too. he has said they are moving forward with B-HS They added Sonis and Farraye- they are not doing all this for no good reason

(Plus there are some here who think that starting Bp3 and K ovarian p2 will matter to share price)


05/25/16 10:51 AM

#148976 RE: MXAMDUD #148955

"just sold some on the ask at 1.66 - stock will be moving higher later on"

Now I'm really sure that you don't know how this stock market thing works.