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05/24/16 7:25 PM

#121491 RE: JG36 #121489

Correct - thank you for correctly grasping the main point,...

In both of your examples technical analysis is irrelevant.

As I was in both of those examples pointing out where technical analyses go wrong,..... we are in agreement here,...

I suspect that none of the published trading rules work any better than chance.

I suspect that different strategies are differently effective depending on who is applying them, and upon how predictable the models make short-term extrapolation.

And yes - it might digress into an 'arms race' of sorts if too many people are attempting to play the same version of the game,...

There are a few traders who consistently make money with technical rules. They keep quiet about what those rules are, and if asked, will answer with a useless generality such as, "we seek inefficiencies in the market."

That's why I play a different game and don't actively trade in & out,...

Which historically has worked out quite well for me,.....