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05/24/16 2:39 PM

#21019 RE: littlefish #21017

PESI: Did you listen to their quarterly CC? The game has changed here, I'm not "positive on the bad last Q", I'm positive because this company is getting a chance to challenge the long held assumption at the USDOE that the only long-term solution for HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE is to bury it somewhere it will be dry and safe for at least 10,000 years! True story....but here we are in 2016 and the USDOE is going to allow little PESI, as part of a "partnership LLC" with an undisclosed partner to demonstrate their HIGH LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE treatment process at Hanford, your neck of the woods, where 60% of US HIGH LEVEL WASTE in the U.S. is stored.....and they've spent more than $40 billion keeping in leaky long-term storage there.....and spent about $15 billion tunneling 12 miles of tunnel into Yucca Mountain in Nevada....and there's a plan to spend $80 billion more to complete the the transportation and storage of the HIGH LEVEL WASTE in Yucca Mountain....but there's a lot of political pressure not to even use the site anymore because it's long-term geologic stability is questionable....YES THAT HIGH LEVEL WASTE!....the stuff our government has no idea what to do with!!!!

If you listen to the call you'll here some minor details about a "partnership LLC....$8.6 M for demonstration, completion and determination of success/failure by year end 2016....PESI only getting one million, but split with partner would go close to 50/50 in operations....$50/ gallon treatment cost....50 million to 100 million gallons of treatable waste in storage at Hanford....capacity of one million gallons year with minor modifications to their current facilities....". Who do you think their partner is? I doubt it's some little Mom & Pop shop, but probably someone like a Bechtel, CH2MHill, URS, SAIC....someone who's name brings instant credibility to PESI.

I bought my shares over a year ago because of their Perma-Fix Medical subsidiary has a potential solution for the supply of Tc-99 after the scheduled shut down of the Chalk River reactor in 2018, the reactor that has no North American substitute and is responsible for the entire US supply of TC-99, the most used medical isotope in the world. I don't really know what potential they have to actually be a viable solution and what percentage of that shortage they could fill, but I know they have much better chances to gain some big time attention when this becomes a national news story....and Perma-Fix Medical is the only publicly traded play on this Tc-99 shortage.....and is planning to be NASDAQ listed before 2017.

Now we have a similar game changing for nuclear waste treatment technology story within this relatively cheaply traded company.

I'm not in this for a little move over $5, I'm in this for a move over $20....and might revise my target higher in consideration of their latest news....we'll have to see as the situation develops.
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05/24/16 2:47 PM

#21021 RE: littlefish #21017

PESI - I think the subtle announcement of the IDIQ contract with DOE to demonstrate the treatment of high level waste mentioned on the Q1 earnings call has a bit to do with the run. I like how Dr. Centofanti mentions it in about 2 sentences during the initial discussion, then dances around / downplays the potential throughout the Q&A. He does confirm that we're the PRIME and the intent of the current contract is just to prove that PESI's science is solid. You can tell he's excited, but is trying to be careful and practical.

That said, if it leads to significant high level waste treatment in 2017 and beyond for DOE, this could be a really big deal. I'll have to listen again, but I think he said that DOE has between 50-100 million gallons of waste that would be easily treated, and Perma-Fix would earn about $50 per. That some serious potential if this proves successful.

On the other hand, sounds like the Medical Isotope tc99 process is behind schedule and that we really won't get close to any kind of revenue stream until 2018 at the earliest (assuming FDA approval, etc). Sounds like they're re-testing curie levels now. I didn't catch why the original tests weren't good enough, but evidently they need to re-test with proper protocol to satisfy FDA.