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05/22/16 2:23 PM

#22423 RE: StockMedic1 #22405

Funny this defense would come from management...of course you can justify your compensation


05/22/16 2:24 PM

#22425 RE: StockMedic1 #22405

Funny management thinks that investing in their company doesn't mean the same as "personally putting money in" ~ very bad sign that they don't give a crap about investors here. As we didn't "put in any really money" ~ what a joke


05/22/16 6:45 PM

#22455 RE: StockMedic1 #22405

First of all you should calm down. I am not creating conspiracy theories I am just giving my opinion. After all that is what this forum is for. I believe $175,000 a year is very taxing on a company that has none or negitive income/profit. I also do not believe anyone deserves bonuses when the company is under water and making no money. If you want to talk in a year that is a different story. As far as other ceo's I don't care about them. Besides everyone says this is a Nasdaq company and in the Nasdaq if CEOs get shares stockholders want to see results.
I also did put my money into this company by becoming a shareholder, not a toxic lender. I am long on this company and support it but that doesn't mean that I agree with everything that it does.


05/23/16 1:34 AM

#22470 RE: StockMedic1 #22405

It seems she was paid $29,000 cash in the last fiscal year...