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05/22/16 12:21 PM

#113439 RE: hogwart #113438

lol, the ol' throw the CPA under the bus is something danny has done MANY times before! Then with the drama of finding a new CPA that can meet his high standards (remember, he runs everything through quick books). There are kids in middle school who are capable of entering a number in a column and hitting enter, this isn't a hard thing to do, and if this were my company, I would be checking the numbers NIGHTLY. I sure as fark wouldn't be finding out what was going on the DAY THE FINANCIALS ARE DUE!!

Seriously, danny, you can't sing, you can't act, you are never going to be a star. You can't run a company, even this simple ebay/amazon legging thing you're attempting. Everything you've ever done has been a failure. Your stock is at .0002!!! Seriously, give it up and turn in an application at Starbucks. You know what, some of those coffees are pretty complicated, maybe try Burger King.

Sorry danny, you're a loser and a leopard doesn't change it's spots.