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05/20/16 2:40 PM

#40534 RE: TheyCallMeBruce #40533

Thanks for sharing that Bruce! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?¿ on what's going on in trading now. Rising w/o a damn bit of news. Still grappling with blowing off the 3d quarter earnings coming up in August.
Yours' is glad tidings!
Interactive Brokers on the short/darkside exchange on the DTCC is having more action than us. Just a little damn canary in the coal mine. Yesterday evening, they're down to 4K shares held as of this post time they're at 70K available.

Here's a link, dunno what you'll see it at <LINK>. So it Foxtrotting it GOES.

You know, I'm going for the BIG ONE, and still believe. Damn it's painful. Still want to retire and become a philanthropist, wind up on the cover of Forbes magazine:)

Might not happen.

So it goes.

Hope things are well on Barnaget Bay. Setting up booths, hauling trash and directing parking this weekend for a fundraiser on Florida's similar resource, Indian River Lagoon. Funkadelic is our headliner.

Where's Pasta? Need them goldfish high heels for WE GOT THE FUNK and here's a link to George his self. For you ex patriots of the city of Brotherly Love TURN THIS MOTHER OUT:)
Most Respectively
Mike Sharkey