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05/20/16 8:56 AM

#187281 RE: czn8 #187251

You hit a home run here. Spot on! Nice post.
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05/20/16 9:13 AM

#187291 RE: czn8 #187251

Good post. Rings very true.
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05/20/16 9:28 AM

#187296 RE: czn8 #187251

Do you also think they won't be selling $75 million worth of shares? That is what they filed to do. How many shares will they have to sell him the open market to raise $75 million?
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05/20/16 9:30 AM

#187297 RE: czn8 #187251

This is amazing rationale.......don't worry about a possible R/S......

Thats like getting a loan with a five year balloon payment....dont worry u can re finance by then..........

The issue of the R/S is the fact that only the common shares are affected.

An authorized share count of close to ONE BILLION will have to under go a Reverse split in the future to meet Nasdaq requirements period.

That means each common share gets sliced 20 times and the preferred appreciate 20 the preferred shares are NOT subject to the
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05/20/16 9:33 AM

#187300 RE: czn8 #187251

But just like there was a big run up to .62 on speculation, we are seeing a similar event but a slide down based on exaggerated fears that may not even come to light anytime soon.

Although it may be true that the "run up" was speculative the "slide down" is clearly not exclusively due to fear.

Did you happen to notice all the insider Form 4s leading up to the Q1 earnings? That should have raised a flag. Income Tax time indeed.
The selloff started a couple of days before the earnings report which turned out to be crap followed by a 6 pre-screened Q & A where none of the issues important to common shareholders were addressed. Couple that with 2 new preferred classes, (for what?) the revelation of an additional $13 million needed to complete NV buildout (when we've been told for months the complete buildout was covered) and the pump of the Green Door BS.

They have no money to buy anything.

So perhaps it appears like "fear" to you but to others it's writing on the wall in indelible ink.

They had a chance to be billionaires and in the process make some millionaires out of the common shareholders but instead chose to enrich themselves on our collective dime.

Hope it works out for you.