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learning curve

05/20/16 2:14 AM

#3016 RE: learning curve #3014

Deep, good on you for getting paid!
Good trade. On both buy and sell.

Sad to say; but nobody has come along and said I'm not stupid....
My interpretation of this is: FB and TWTR and all social media is worthless....!!!!

I've come to this conclusion based on: I am human. One simple human with knowledge based on my own research....and not one person can demonstrate appreciation...even when I ask....not a single one....not one single one.

I would share more publicly, but the feedom of speech has finally been misconstrued for free information!

The mental capacity of individuals is shrinking and with the association of groups has amplified the results....completely opposite of what zuckerberg preaches!!!

I relate to a lost tooth more than momo, speculation (what is that anyway), or insight from free to speak individuals!

Talk soon my friend deep!
Imo, you should be writing jingles and making charlie look stupid!!!!
Ps. I said that how many years ago?!?!?!???

Imo, wait....people forget...don't think...who
Gives an "f" what Icahn thinks? Of course he thinks shorter term....he ain't going to live throughout another cycle.....anybody think he going to reinvest what cash he takes from table is stupid! Or he himself is stupid and plays for shit and giggle....its not like he lives to be 100!!!

I don't give value to anybody who values $ when they are OLD! Sorry bro....but I haven't heard of reincarnation in the matter of money anywhere at anytime!

All pullbacks of market can be associated with age...vs...wealth dispersion....

I see no benefit in having money.....only in spending it!!!!!