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05/18/16 12:53 PM

#31265 RE: Jderkack4 #31263

In my estimation that is a lot of hooey. These are two publicly traded companies and by law they are required to publicly report any material events they are involved in. I believe that the "event" is so inconsequential to the giant that is JNJ that they don't feel obligated to report it other than in their balance sheet. If it is sealed, it is sealed by DECN because it is not the pie in the sky payoff that has been expected.

It's merely healthy.

This used to be a litigation play and a (future) revenue play. Now we are told that there won't be a payoff in stock price from the litigation because the results must remain sealed, but the (future) revenue playoff is going to be huge because of the results of the secret litigation results were healthy, even though nobody "won".

There is no reason why the court would order the results of the litigation to be sealed for any length of time.

This is a ruling by a public court and rulings of public courts are public knowledge.


05/18/16 1:36 PM

#31267 RE: Jderkack4 #31263

I would think the detail terms of the settlement may be sealed.
I would expect the dollar amount will be made to public as it is MATERIAL information.