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05/17/16 6:21 PM

#55932 RE: RV-8 Pilot #55929

Really? I've explained this several times. But deaf ears... I get it.

I'm pretty sure there is much more to this than is being discussed, but hey, what to I know.

If you think he's the snake other's are calling him, so be it. It won't affect my investment thesis. As for me, I don't believe it. Sure I've thought about it- but it doesn't add up even when you stretch all the negative arguments. This guy is building a company, and it's getting bigger, and bigger, faster and faster. Others are trading it- making a killing as well the more volatile this gets. but again- those numbers I mentioned in all caps- that's are the bottom line. It's called that because it's literally after all is said and done on the ledger, the bottom line.

In the end, you can't hide from GAAP net profits. And the dilution the fear mongers preach will only last so long until those profits blow past it. Someone will always be making money here, in the short term it's clear the traders are. I'm not worried about the short term. I don't like it... let me be crystal clear when I say it sucks these bears are doing what they are doing. But it's trading and you can't take that away. So I talk the good talk, and listen to the facts get distorted and I write my positive rebuttals and I hope people can afford to lose if they sell, and I hope people can ride it out if they can afford the time. I can do both.
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05/17/16 6:26 PM

#55933 RE: RV-8 Pilot #55929

RV... I recall the days you were ecstatic about this company... now all I hear is doubt and fear..what has changed?! As a fellow blue Suiter I share in your disappointment with the share price.. it sucks..really sucks!! But this is all built into the equasion.. I lost more than $30k just today.. but all on paper.. yet, I have never been more optimistic about this company or Jim... the whole darn solar industry is being rocked... why would a geographic solar installer be exempt from this!? Even more so... the way I see it is you have 2 options: stay the course and trust your initial dd or bale... but really... who could sell at these levels.. you gain nothing.. best to you, brother and all the followers..