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Senior Chief

05/17/16 5:02 PM

#9534 RE: bsdelectro #9533

bsdelectro: Yep I sure can't disagree with your post. One item that I just can't remember now but the specifics of, is the I think $500,000.00 that WLGC got from I think Microsoft for infringement for a specified period of time and what happened to that $500K? I think I remember some of it going to buy out/pay off a Mr. Silverman ( the man that may have replaced Frank as President/CEO but I can't for sure remember his name ) and if my guess is correct because I don't know for a fact, the remainder of the $500k went into Frank's pocket. So a reasonable person would ask; Did the board of directors authorize Frank to put the remainder in his pocket if that is what happened? For sure if the money went into the company there should have been funds there for attorney fees to go after Swiftkey for their infringement prior to the Microsoft deal that I believe did not protect them for the infringement prior to the date of the Microsoft buy out of Swiftkey. I must admit that over these many years I got so disgusted with WLGC/Frank that I stopped being a well informed investor in WLGC because the news was always bad news which is why I may have some of my statements incorrect. In any case I can see where the investors that I read here that are more informed than I am do have possible justification for an SEC investigation. Good luck my fellow WLGC investors. Sincerely, Senior Chief.