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05/16/16 11:25 PM

#313227 RE: APR #313226

I agree with everything except "no one would touch this scam shell"

This is something done every day. bkmp is probably dirtier than many, but not an impossible scenario. The one caveat that has never been done that I know of with a stinky pink shell is keep the previous shareholders.

Original shareholders are almost 100% assured to be wiped out.
Some or most scam shell buyers just file that the original ticker name and shares are worthless. Many of the reverse splits are done for exactly that reason, to reduce ownership in the old ticker for the new merger candidate.

I've lost count of how many of my flip buys got nailed by the RM play and COST ME money to the broker to remove them.
Now I'm seeing the broker charging me directly for the rs cost because the ceo of the ticker is no longer paying the rs fees like they used to. The broker just passes it on to you when the ceo doesn't cough up the fees.

This shouldn't be allowed at all, I should not have to pay for a company ripping me off.

It's all very common and classic scam 101.