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05/18/16 7:34 AM

#46820 RE: Raider21 #46815

Any questions anyone want to ask Mary? I'm sure the "alleged" conversation about the permit being "ready to go" last fall will be discussed at length, as well as the "3 items".

Propwash deflectors being PROHIBITED on the current site should get covered, as well as the gold coins SFRX claimed in the complaint being found by the company's archaeologist.

I would ask if the reports are up-to-date by the LLC, and what happened with the Juno application.

But the most obvious question would be are there any pending permits? If not, does that mean they have to finish work on the current site before they can move to another? And would that be based on current statutes?

Can anyone think of any others?


05/23/16 12:57 PM

#46824 RE: Raider21 #46815

10Q - Lack of funding hampered exploration operations.......
