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05/15/16 2:42 AM

#10272 RE: jane666666 #10271

I don't care if he sells on not I am not going to sell. It is guys like this that wreck it for everyone else. I don't think PLSB has enough shares for him to have 7 figures worth of stock. If he does he is just bitter no one told him to buy it at the top. He is screwing himself by driving he price lower?


05/15/16 4:11 PM

#10274 RE: jane666666 #10271

I'm about 1/3 of the way into 6 digits with a break even at $0.47, and I'm definitely staying in! ! I think I'm close to breaking even, and if I do I'm not selling until I make a big-time profit, after waiting 5 years. I believe in Yates and In my opinion he is being honest at his age. He's hanging in and I'm hanging in. To get out now and take a loss would be foolish. Maybe I will make a fool of myself, but the risk is worth it!

Why does Geezer appear only when the stock is down or going down. There has been no hide nor hair of him when it was climbing to .20!