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05/13/16 11:51 AM

#15582 RE: DewDiligence #15581

Adverse litigation surely explains a lot of the disparity. What would MNTA’s valuation be now if the CAFC had not erred in Jan 2012 by wrongly invoking the Hatch-Waxman Safe Harbor in the Lovenox patent case?

It is true that MNTA would be much higher now, but that didn't happen. I don't see why management should be rewarded even more for something that DIDN"T happen, while taking even more money away from shareholders who have suffered a lot by what DID happen.
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05/13/16 3:04 PM

#15588 RE: DewDiligence #15581

What would MNTA’s valuation be now if the CAFC had not erred in Jan 2012 by wrongly invoking the Hatch-Waxman Safe Harbor in the Lovenox patent case?

Did Momenta and its Counsel defend it properly? I'm still not so sure the patents are even valid, but we didn't even get to that stage. We can't go after 'if comes' because that what management is supposed to figure out.
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05/13/16 3:06 PM

#15589 RE: DewDiligence #15581

Is there potential for a small silver lining in that a future settlement would hopefully take into consideration accrued losses to date (perhaps subject to a treble damage award) that could not have been realized had the CAFC not been such tools? Its a stretch. No on #4 it is. bp