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07/26/06 3:00 PM

#1535 RE: eaglesurvivor #1533

Will this be America's "Great Wall"? Will these nearly a quarter mile wide transport corridors be impossible to past from from the sides...without paying a toll or passing through a checkpoint? Will these planned transport superstructures be used by a UN Army to effectively separate parts of the US and/or will they also be used for heavy equipment/tanks and so on to crush/squelch any resistance to the plans of NWO'ers/those owning-running & controlling our gov. and most of the governments of the world?

Good, efficient, strong and smart infrastructure seems like a good thing to me...but, within the context of our current foreign based gov./debt-scam-money/decreasing liberties and increasing ignorance...I seriously question the motives and these plans. When one is still being ruled by uncaring enslaving tyrants...why should one have any reason to trust these same folks now? The past has been prologue....Are we doomed?

I continue to fight for my freedom.