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05/12/16 2:57 PM

#35410 RE: KnightlyCruiser #35405

Thanks KnightlyCruiser.

First, let me repeat that my scenario is not something I believe. It is a hypothesis. Everything in it hinges on the idea - the assumption - that the IP is world changing and patent protected to such a degree that it will be worth many more billions than anyone here (except maybe primethepump) think. And that both ISC and DMRJ know it. That's the critical part.

<<I would like to postulate as an example- lets for the sake of dialog that; Imsc has two or three devices in the ETD space, $20 shareptice and fifty million cash on hand. A big fish wants the tech. Are they a) a buyer or b) partnership?>>

To me it depends on what management wants and needs and can get. If they don't need the big fish to survive then probably a partnership - so they can remain undiluted as a ETC focused company and the share price rises. OTOH if the big fish wants it so bad that they offer $100 a share then they will sell.

<<In what I understand your position to be a big fish comes along side imsc and like an older brother or a rich uncle hands out 50 some million dollars- you suggest stock....>>

The rest of your post seems to be along the lines of dealing with the reality as we know it. My scenario, posted earlier today, is something totally different, and unproven. It relies on a SECRET known to DMRJ and Implant and whatever big fish comes along that they decide they are willing to let in on the secret. It's totally contrived.

But, if the evidence points to a partnership without a buyout - and that is the case at the moment with the brochure leak and no buyout announcement - then I'm trying to figure out in what world would that make much sense. I have proposed 2 things so far. The first is that it is a strategy by ISC as a precursor to a bidding war - a method to make the interested parties MORE interested. The second is the 'what if' scenario posted earlier today.