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05/12/16 9:48 AM

#263922 RE: Protector #263893

hey Cloaked, thanks for sharing.

You really bared your trading & investment soul.


PS your English is now flawless, in contrast to when you started (and compared to many natives of the great USA ;-)
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05/12/16 10:05 AM

#263923 RE: Protector #263893

Agree, Management and Legal needs to shape up

This being said I think BoD/management (besides their apparent ability to communicate well if everything goes well and their inability to do so when there is some bump in the road) should become a little HARDER and MORE INTERESTED in the WHY of their 4 QUESTIONABLE trial results. And I don't just mean Garnick finding out WHAT happened with the CONTROL ARM but WHY/HOW it HAPPENED. Was there some INCENTIVE system for doctors to take a blood sample and check if a patients was on Bavituximab or not and if NOT to offer them 3rd line treatment as of progression? It is as SIMPLE as that.

Because all this nonsense has to stop and it will not if BoD/Management doesn't bring up the pressure and the chance of getting caught for however is involved in this. I think that if the CA is of the table there might be a TAIL to the CSM story. Possibly if it was JB in the courtroom she knows that is coming and placing PPHM in a class action might look like a possible escape from such new prosecution risk. And in order to be able to show their teeth PPHM needs a more INTENSE partnership (just lets assume a Partnership is something STRONGER then a collaboration). At that moment there will be a bigger party that has the common interest that future clinical trials of PPHM are left alone.

So beside continuing working on Avid 3rd party revenue, getting a good partnership and promoting Bavituximab in all markets PPHM must now do something that scares the hell out of those working its trials. All that is what our investment in PPHM needs, however while I do not worry for the first three, I am curious to see if they will do #4

I still wonder what went on in one of the bigger USA trial sites:

they started the trial as one of the first in January, by end of May have had six qualified patients with all the scans and bloodwork done to enroll pronto, but NONE of those did enroll.
The trial encologist is super, from my personal experience, and from my family member experience. She had a fighting attitude (pure British) -- so once your first-in-line treatment peters out and you become desperate to believe in a "cure" in spite of all your rational thinking and the contra evidence -- you then desperately look for the best next treatment, if you follow this trail of patient thinking and emotion -- HELL you would jump on SUNRISE. So why not those six? Fishy.

Just my thoughts.
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05/12/16 11:01 AM

#263934 RE: Protector #263893

The fact that Bavituximab is an active agent was recognized quite early by certain investors and competitors who scan for disruptive medical technologies.

Three separate NSCLC control arms in Bavi trials, for some strange reason, either suffered overt damage, outperformed, or even “dramatically” outperformed their historical average performance.


One of these three trials was definitively corrupted when the control arm was mixed with the low dose Bavi arm at CSM.


Why did this occur particularly in NSCLC trials?

Before these three trials began, Peregrine already had a growing body of preclinical work publicly available, and had run a small signal seeking trial with Bavi treating
NSCLC overseas, so data was published and available to interested parties.

Very interesting is the fact that in each of these three trials in question a Bavi treatment arm was left uncorrupted. The problematic control arms were enough to damage the integrity of the trials, as entities, leaving the clean Bavi arm still available for any interested party to evaluate.

What party would benefit from destroying the trial structures, while maintaining visibility into the clean data for Bavi?


This process seems like it was pointedly engineered by, and for a Pharma with a particular interest in NSCLC, and in preserving the actual performance of the active Bavi arms of these three trials.

The odds of these persistent overachieving control arms with a clean treatment arm happening by chance are quite a stretch, especially when we see the precise engineering behind the damaged control arm, and clean treatment arm in the second-line NSCLC registrational phase2 trial.

These activities damaged and slowed Peregrine’s clinical and economic progress over several years. Beyond the damage to Peregrine, itself, the interference with the trials also damaged many investors and cancer patients.

Bavituximab is now moving away from traditional chemotherapy combinations, and into a collaborative partnership with AstraZeneca for developing immuno-oncology , I-O, combinations for treating difficult cancers like NSCLC and TNBC.

And because Bavituximab is a recognized active agent, it is now also in the labs of Memorial Sloan Kettering and the NCCN for further I-O research.



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05/12/16 8:38 PM

#264013 RE: Protector #263893

CP, thanks a lot for taking the time to respond. Here is my respond.

1) My msg about your PPHM investment was in no way to disrespect you or accuse you of anything PPHM stock related.

2) The first part of your msg proves my point that you know what you are doing and that you are not under water like many shareholders on this board. Therefore, whoever reads you and others positive and informative posts on this board needs to realize that you have not put all your eggs in the PPHM basket and that you can wait as long as you need to for PPHM to become the microsoft of Biotech. A lot of people read your posts and keep buying without thinking.

2) Regarding BOD. I have worked for 4 biotechs in my past life and have attended the last 6 PPHM shareholers meetings and am not in anyway impressed by them. As you saw in one of the ASM that you attended, they just seat there and have nothing to say about anything. There is no industry expert or MD on the board. The CEO seems like an introvert with a masters degree and worked in a lab before becoming a CEO. This combination of people can easily be manipulated by shark lawyers, Shark BPs and in general the shark system.

3) I worked on clinical trials for 4 biotechs over 20 years including the trials for Herceptin and Rituxan. It is not like developing a software. It takes years to go thru 3 phases and get the drug approved so, I get upset when some posters here say oh it is ok we are going to start some trials with AZN soon and MSK and NCCN are looking at Bavi. In the biotech world that does not mean anything specially if the big boys feel threatened by you.

4) Regarding the Phase II dose switching and the other 3 PPHM trials, if the system (BP, special interest, lobbyists, pro traders, FDA, SEC, etc) wants to mess with you there is nothing you can do unless you find a big brother in a BP, like Genentech did with Roche and IDEC did with Genentech. Unfortunately, after sunrise failure I think it is too late for the Long long shareholders. AZN or any other BP will partner with PPHM at their own time frame and PPHM can do nothing about it at this point and I blame the BOD and management for not thinking like Genentech exacutives and IDEC exacutives did a couple of decades back.

Basically, IMO we are in the middle of nowhere for the time being and for the forseable future and I blame the BOD for that because I have seen them in action and I resent the fact that so many people have lost so much money on this stock and they keep cashing their big checks and act like nothing happened. I have said my peace and will never type this long of a post again :)