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05/10/16 2:24 PM

#55546 RE: Level2Me #55545

After considerable DD and research over the years (since at least 2012) I have been able to determine that NOT ONCE has the management of SUNW has lied to investors. As far as the cell is concerned, JN Hhimself told me personally last year, that the cell was of no importance at the moment. He later said they were still shopping for a manufacturing partner, but it was more difficult than he anticipated. Whow, admitting that was really great. No lie about the cells future, just the honest truth as to that monment in time.

I have been unable to find any single filing withthe SEC that any board member, including family, has sold any stock this year. But rather some HAVE BEEN BUYING, isn't that strange? Must mean board members, including family members, are willing to risk their money on the future of SUNW! That's great!

As far as so called Toxic Debt, best I can determine all of that was retired last year. Can not for the life of me see why that is of any importance today or in the future since it no longer exist. Looking back only means you will fall on your face as you attempt to move forward. Ya know can can't see what is in front of you. Too worried about twelve months ago to see the future!

Dilution? Having a hard time finding exactly where that exist, as there are no filings with the SEC to support claimes of that sort.

I'm happily green most of the time and have no plans to exit anytime soon. Amazing what honest DD can see.
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05/10/16 2:55 PM

#55550 RE: Level2Me #55545

Jim "the Snake of Rancho Cucamonga" Nelson, as he's called, has lied to us at every turn! He said there would be an acquisition back in 2013, but now we see there have been three! Coincidence???? He also said we would make millions, but we're actually making tens of millions? I find that suspicious. He said we are going places, but we've moved into two larger office buildings. So place or places, Jim? And Nevada? Do I even have to get into the sales we've made in Nevada? We successfully moved to the NASDAQ, so what were we running from on the OTC? What didn't Jim want us to know? And don't get me started on the cell. Jim said we would make improvements to it and further develop it... but now it's "completed" and "ready for manufacturing?" Clearly something to hide.