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Munchkin Man

07/26/06 11:51 AM

#15020 RE: gold80302 #15000

Reply To Gold80302

Greetings To Gold80302:

The Munchkin Man thanks you for your inquiry.

It was a good one.

You asked:

"Munchkin why do you care if you are banned from Allstocks?"

It's a matter of principal, human dignity, and self-respect.

Do you remember the first "Rambo" movie?

It was called "First Blood" (1982) and starred Sylvester Stallone.

The movie opens with John Rambo, played by Sylvester Stallone, a Vietnam veteran, hitchhiking from town to town, seeking to find an old war buddy.

As he is hitchhiking through one town and tries to stop for lunch, a redneck sheriff of that town decides he doesn't like Rambo's looks.

So the sheriff gives him a ride across the bridge and out of the town limits. The sheriff tells Rambo to keep on walking and not come back.

As the sheriff leaves, Rambo walks a few steps away from town and then stops. He thinks about the situation.

Then he starts getting pissed off. So he starts walking right back into that town.

When Rambo gets back into town, all hell breaks loose.

The Munchkin Man feels like John Rambo.

Rambo was banned from that town without just cause by a redneck sherriff.

The Munchkin Man was banned from a message board site without just cause by a redneck moderator.

John Rambo was treated unfairly.

So was the Munchkin Man.

All the Munchkin Man wants is to be treated fairly.

Nothing more and nothing less.

This means receiving due process and having the opportunity to discuss the terms of the restoration of the Munchkin Man's posting priviliges on with somebody in charge.

Good luck to all.

Rambo Munchkin