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07/20/03 5:15 PM

#6306 RE: Justin C #6304

Just ran downstairs to grab my copy of Parade, Justin.

Thanks for the heads up. Shallow me... gut reaction... those kids must be gorgeous! Not a bad feature between the two parents.

Amazing the paths that life lays out for folks.

Hope you had a good weekend. I was wondering what happened to you. Figured you had a real social life. Nice!

I'm getting ready to fire up the Weber... flank steak over coals... takes about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes to get the charcoal where I want it.

Perfect summer day in the hills of NJ... I spent most of it doing a thorough clean of the living room, family room, and barbeque deck... was only capable of cheat cleans while the foot healed. Cleanliness equates to peace for my soul...

Starting to cloud up... big time. Guess this is the beginning of the rain we've been promised for next week. Sure hope they are right. It is getting dry around here again.

Take care.


07/21/03 7:44 AM

#6330 RE: Justin C #6304

Justin, I saw that...inside cover. They made a nice couple when they were together. I was a little kid way back then but, I remember having a 'Crush' on her when I was 1 year old. <g> She was a nice looking gal. Course the women thought Andy was good looking also.
